Chapter Nineteen

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      "There it is." Karda says as we creep up in the brush, on the edge of the opening that opens up into Varcha's land. Varcha just landed his ship back into the gaping hole but didn't cover it back up.

"I don't see anybody." I say, looking at the deck that wraps around Varcha's circular house, inspecting the windows.

"Let's go." Karda says, walking out in a crouching position, I just follow quickly.

"Hugh." Karda grunts, jumping high onto the ship that looked like a hill before.

"Get in." He says, opening the hatch.

"Ryan!?" Kasandra yells. I turn around, she's standing in Varcha's front doorway.

"GO GO GO!" Karda says, pushing me down and hopping down, twisting the valve on the hatch shut. "I need to get us going, make a forcefield around the ship so they can't teleport inside." He says.

"I can't make one that big!" I say.

"Just do it!" He yells from the cockpit as he pushes buttons in the pilot chair. I focus on the ship, picturing a forcefield around it. I can't tell if its actually working, I just have to hope it is. My energy feels like its slowly draining, it has to be working, Karda better get us out of here soon because I'm not sure how long I can hold up a field like this.

"Hold on!" Karda yells from the cockpit. The ship begins to shake and rattle.

"Have you ever flown a ship before?!" I ask.

"Uhh..." He yells back. "Sort of..." Suddenly I can feel something strike the forcefield with much force, I can feel the impact ripple the entire forcefield.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I don't know but we need to go." Karda replies, ascending at a much faster speed, the ship rattles more violently, and then... nothing, everything is still.  I release my field and slowly walk over to the window, we're finally out. We're in space, it seemed much longer to get out of there than it really was because I was draining my energy the whole time.

"So what now?" I ask Karda as I walk into the cockpit and sit down in the co-pilots' chair.

"Now..." Karda says as we quickly drift away from earth. "We go into hyper speed."

Hyper speed?" I ask, I didn't know that actually existed. "How long will it take us to get there in hyper speed?"

"Hyper speed travel was discovered through the ways of magic, hyper speed is much faster than the speed of light, so it will take about a full day of nonstop hyper speed... but we can't do it nonstop. Only a few hours at a time, then it has to cool and recharge." Karda explains.

"So we're talking two or three days?" I ask.

"Unfortunately... yes." He says.

"Well, we better get started." I say, buckling up. Karda flips a few switches, then slowly pushes a horizontal lever forward.

"Here we go." He says, pushing one final button on the steering control panel. Suddenly I can see nothing but white outside the windows, I feel lightheaded and I have the feeling of blood rushing to my head as if I were upside down. Then everything is silent, I feel like I'm floating... but I'm not.

"What's going on?" I ask Karda. He looks over at me.

"We're in hyper drive." He says. "Everything will be like this for two to three hours, then we must wait for the cool down process, then the recharge process, that may take a while." He explains.

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