/28\ (Dylan)

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I sigh in relief as AJ slides into the ring to check on me.

"You okay?" She asks lightly, concern dripping off her tongue.

I shrug. "I've been better."

She chuckles lightly and helps me up. I wince and wrap an arm around her shoulders.

We start walking across the ring but i feel Aj start to lift me up.

"Aj, Wh-"

But, before i can finish my sentence, AJ throws me in the air and slams me onto the canvas.

I choke as i hit it, all my breath leaving me.

AJ laughs down at me and she leans over. "That's my title, and your not getting it."

I hear the refs yell at AJ and the medics help me up. I shrug them off and leave the ring, jumping over the barricade and walking up the steps.

I turn around to look at the ring one more time, then disappear.

The next day..

I wake up to my phone ringing. I groan and grab it, answering it.

"Hello?" I ask, annoyed.

"Dylan, it's Phil."

"Why the fuck are you calling me at 5 am?" I groan.

"Dylan, i just wanted to talk to you about AJ."

"No. I'm going to beat her ass Sunday and you can't stop me. Your girlfriend is a complete asshole. Goodbye."


I hang up on him and throw my phone. It bounces off the bed and i curse under my breath.

I stand up and go change and get ready for the day.

I walk out and grab some food, and pick my phone up. I get on twitter and instgram, saying good morning to everyone and leave my hotel room.

I look down the hall and head towards a room and i knock on the door. The guy i wanted to see answers and smiles.

"Hey Dylan."

"Hey Randy."


Cliffhanger and stuff, yaaay.

Anyways, Dylan's outfit is above. Sorry this chapter sucks, i just have had a horrible day, my boyfriend broke up with me and yeah. Anyways see y'all later.

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