Under the Bridge

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Janie slowly walked to the bridge thinking about yesterday. She walked up the bridge to see Cole wasn't there. Cole came from under the bridge and scared her.

"Hey!" He yelled.

"OH MY GOD!! Don't do that!"

He laughed and looked under the bridge, "come here, I want to show you something."

I walked down there slowly trying to avoid the mud. He grabbed my arm and helped me keep my balance. I got under the bridge to see something carved into the bottom.

"January 18th," I looked up at Cole then back at the date, "1999?"

He was looking at me when I looked at him again.

"That's the day the boy went missing." I was in shock. "That means he was here that day!" I started getting excited. I was going to find out who this boy was no matter what. I wanted to know.

"I found it earlier today. I thought you would have wanted to see it."

"Yeah, thank you. I really want to find out who the missing boy is and what happened. I love stuff like this. Also, it's probably the most interesting thing in this town I've found so far."

I glance over at Cole again. He seemed uncomfortable with the conversation.

"Are you ok?" Cole had a sad and painful expression on his face.

Cole turned his head away slightly, ignoring her question. I decided not to bother Cole anymore about the situation.

Both Cole and Janie went back on the bridge. Janie sat down while Cole walked around, he was pacing back and forth. Something clearly on his mind. He avoided eye contact with Janie as she would look at him and frantically looked away. She wanted to know what he was thinking about. She wished he would tell her. It was pissing her off.

Okay, I know I wanted to leave him be, but I really want to know what's going on.

I looked up at him till he finally looked at me. "What?" He asked bluntly.

"What's wrong? Ever since we started talking about that boy you've been quiet and distant."

"I didn't answer the first time, why would I now?" He was starting to upset me.

I felt my face getting hot and decided to leave. I got up and started walking home.

When Janie arrived home she saw a car in the gravel driveway. It was pulled up just before the garage door. She sighed and headed inside. She silently closed the door and quickly went up to her room. She wasn't sitting on her bed for long before Michael came up stairs. He knocked on her door but entered before she answered. He stood in the doorway and glanced around the room before looking at Janie.

"Where were you?" Michael asked.

"I went on a walk. I wanted to look around some more. I got to see Mr. Lane again."

"Where was he this time?" He seemed curious but annoyed.

"At the lake again. He really likes that place."

"Ivory Lake?" He seemed concerned.

I could tell he was getting anxious. I wanted to know why, "Yeah, I think. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, but why don't you stay closer to the house. I don't feel safe with you all the way down there." His statement made me curious. Why did it matter?

"Why not?" I wanted to know.

"It's just too far. What if you need help and I get there too late because you're too far away?"

At this point I knew he was bull shitting. Everyone was irritating me today. No one would tell me anything. After Michael left, I laid down and scrolled through my phone till I fell asleep.

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