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I glanced up to see my fiance. His eyes were filled with tears just like mine. I let out a shaky breath before smiling. The thought of Cole, and all the memories, made me happy. I was content that I could tell the man I love about this experience. He placed his hand over mine that laid on the counter. The same counter where I wrote my last note. The Jones had moved into their daughter’s house for extra help and I got to keep the house. The house where I met my parents, my best friend, and the love of my life. He was a friend of my family and we instantly fell for each other.

I gazed at our hands before slowly pulling mine from under him, “You mind if I get some air?”

“No, go ahead. Would you like something to eat?” He was sweet but I wasn't hungry.

“No thanks.” I smiled as I got up. I slipped out the door that led to the porch. I crossed my arms and I leaned against one of the pillars, glancing towards the bridge.

I cracked the door and added, “Hey I’m going to be right back.”

I slipped off my socks and walked barefoot. I got to the end of the bridge and looked at the pitch black water. It was running through the cracks of the rocks that just barely poked through the surface of the river. I smiled as I felt joy surge through my body. I had missed this place. I hadn’t been here for 8 years. I thought about coming down here many times but I never did. 

I sighed as I looked around one more time. I started to leave when I felt something. It was not a physical touch, but I could feel it. I turned around and my eyes opened wide as I saw a boy, standing there with a smile on his face. His faint black fluffy hair that covered his ears and eyebrows, making his bright blue eyes more noticeable like always. It was Cole. His figure was barely there but I could tell it was him. I smiled back before he vanished. I stood there for a second looking for him before deciding to leave. I walked home with a smile on my face.

Even if he isn't here, he will always be my best friend.

Bridge in PennsylvaniaWhere stories live. Discover now