A Watery Grave

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The school bell rang as kids started running out of the classrooms.

I sat on the handrail of the stairs by the entrance of the school waiting for my friends to finally push through the kids running out. After about two minutes I saw one of them, Jaden. He had jet black medium length hair that brought out his dark green eyes, he wore some baggy jeans with his normal baggy shirt. It was easy to spot him since all the kids here were short as hell, he was around 5'11. Still shorter than me.

"Where's Summer?" I was looking at the door everyone was running from, no sign of her.

"I don't know, she didn't meet me at my locker." He was also confused.

"Oh, I wonder what happened."

"I don't care, she just better hurry. I want to go down to the lake." Jaden laughed.

"Ima calls her." I grabbed out my phone and scrolled through to her contact.

-Ring Ring RIng-

Summer answered her phone.

"What?!" She had to shout over some kids yelling.

"Where are you?"

"I'm walking down the Spanish hallway." She could stop yelling.

"Okay, we're sitting outside."

Summer hung up and slid her phone in her pocket.

"She's in the Spanish hall."

"Mkay." Jaden was ready to leave.

I looked towards the door to see Summer walking out a couple seconds after. She crossed her arms as the wind hit her. She wore a white tank top, gray baggy sweatpants, and an oversized black jacket. Summer pushed her bangs back to keep them from getting in her face, showing her light blue-green eyes.

I waved and she smiled. She walked over to us. As she got closer Jaden started walking away. He wanted to get to the lake. We both ran after and continued walking to the lake.

Both Summer and I sat our stuff on the bridge. I had to grab Jadens bag, which he threw down in the snow. He was already falling on his ass. He wasn't good at skating but he liked it. Couldn't think of why. Summer eventually got up and joined him.

Jaden came over to me and caught himself on the bridge before he slid under. "Dude, come on. This is the one time the ice is actually thick." He whined.

"So, what, it's still going to break. And I'm going to laugh when you both fall through and have to walk home freezing."

"Oh my god." Jaden grabbed and yanked my arm. He pulled me off the bridge causing me to lose my balance and fall. I laid there on my back trying to catch my breath.

I slowly got up trying to (regain) my balance. Both Summer and Jaden laughed as I almost fell again. I'm actually good at skating but when you get yanked down, it's kind of hard to stand up without falling.

After getting used to the ice, they were all getting pretty good. Other than a couple of falls from Jaden.

"Can we go yet, I'm getting cold." I crossed my arms trying to warm up.

"Can we just stay for a little longer? I'm getting good at this." Summer asked as she stopped and turned around to look at me.

"I guess, but can I be done, or are you going to force me to skate again? Jaden." I looked at Jaden. He smiled and nodded.

I leaned against the bridge not feeling like climbing up onto it. After about another ten minutes both Summer and Jaden got tired and decided to be done. They both started getting off when I slipped trying to follow.

Jaden looked over and laughed before he came (running or charging) at me. He knocked me over on the same spot I fell the first time. "Looks like you need more practice" He said through his laugh and he rolled off me and got up. He started heading back to Summer as I laid there, again. Out of breath. He turned a little to see I wasn't next to him, "well are you coming?" He said as he turned more around to see the hole in the ice where I was laying. He ran over yelling my name, which caught Summers' attention who soon came running.

Both Summer and Jaden sat on their knees by the hole in the ice, reaching in trying to grab their friend. By then the current had already pulled him far away from the opening. They both tried for another 10 minutes, screaming his name and looked around through the ice to see no one. Summer started freaking out as Jaden tried to calm her down. They agreed to not talk about this sense Jaden felt like it was his fault. Both the terrified teenagers ran from the lake grabbing their stuff and headed home. No one spoke of their friend.

After about a month the body was found to be half decomposed. Forensics had trouble identifying the body. As soon as the body was brought in the first person to be notified was the missing boy's father. No one had been reported dead or missing in the past month.

The man was devastated as he waited for the news. He finally got it after an hour of waiting. He refused to go home till he found out. After he did, he demanded to go in and see his boy. Everyone was trying to change his mind as they knew he wouldn't want to see his boy this way. They agreed and soon had a funeral. Letting everyone know what happened.

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