An Eventful Day

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[ I better get credit for this bitch ugh - jj ]     My friend wrote this chapter :)

I found myself at the bridge once again. The leaves on the trees rattled against each other as the wind blew gently. I turned my head to look around and saw Cole sitting near the river at the base of the bridge. I walked down to him as carefully as I could. Cole turned his head around and smiled, "Hey you're here! I didn't think you would come today- you took forever."

I smiled back and sat next to him. He led with a follow up question, "So anything interesting today?"

I nodded, "Yes, actually. Someone vandalized my school." I laughed.

Cole laughed also. I continued, "They spray painted the walls, the bathrooms, and destroyed the classrooms as well." I stayed silent for a second before continuing. "And I know who did it."

Cole tilted his head slightly. "Are you going to tell the school principal?" He inquired.

I shook my head. "The person who did it is extremely popular. I don't want anyone hating me."

He nodded with agreement. "I can see why you wouldn't want to tell anyone. People suck."

We began to talk about other things about my day. However, Cole never talked about his or really anything in his life. It soon grew dark out and I said my goodbyes before heading back home.

When I got home I walked to the kitchen to see Michael and Kate both cooking. I sat down at the bar, "Hi."

They both turned around quickly. I could tell I scared them. "Oh hello Janie, how was your day?" Kate said with a smile on her face.

"It was interesting, how about you guys?"

They both explained their days before we ate. Afterwards, we all went to bed pretty early. We all had eventful days.

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