They Know Something

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I was walking down stairs when I heard the Jones talking. I slowly walked up stairs not to be heard and sat at the top and listened.

"Can we please just talk to Janie; I know you don't want to make her feel like she's trapped here but we can't keep letting her go down to that bridge." Micael was annoyed but trying to be quiet.

"Why shouldn't we? That boy is long gone and it's not like she can do what he did, and even if she could she is a smart girl. She wouldn't do something dumb like that." Kate on the other hand didn't care about being quiet. She wanted to get her point across.

"She could get ideas. We don't know this girl." Michael said rudely.

By this time, I was already getting my shoes on. I left and ran down the bridge, dodging people on my way. When I got to the bridge Cole was already there, throwing rocks in the water. "Cole! I have news!" I stopped before the water and caught my breath. He looked up at me dropping a rock into the water. He walked over to me as we both walked up onto the bridge. I quickly plopped down and started talking. "Okay so the Jones definitely know something. They were talking about the boy."

As I said the last word, Cole's interest faded as he looked away. I ignored it and continued.

"They were talking about the boy doing something down here, that it was clearly something stupid because Kate said I'm not dumb to do what he did."

"He was forced too." Cole mumbled.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Anyways, that's interesting. But why don't they want you down here, how does that involve the boy?"

"I don't really know, I mean he is missing so maybe the last place he was seen here, what if he did something bad here?"

"I'm sure he didn't."

"Oo what if he comes here to kill his victims." I laughed.

"That's not even funny." Cole was clearly pissed and I could tell.

"Okay, sorry." I looked back towards my house. "Well, I should head back, I didn't really ask to come down here kind of just left. I'll see you tomorrow."

I got back and walked inside straight to my room. I was thinking about the boy and the fact that he could still be alive. I really want to know who he is.

Kate called me down for dinner. I went down and sat at the table. We were all eating in silence before I asked about the boy.

"What's the problem with me going down to the bridge?"

Michael coughed as he choked on his food, "what do you mean?"

"Well, I kind of heard you guys talking earlier, and I just want to know what happened."

"It doesn't matt-" Kate cut him off.

"Apparently a boy was messing around on the ice and fell through. No one was told about it till a week later." Kate was straight forward.

"Oh, that's sad. Who's the boy?"

"We don't know. The boy's father kept him and himself secret from the world. There was an article about it in the newspaper after it happened explaining, but there were no names mentioned." She explained.

I accepted the defeat of not getting any more information tonight and finished eating.

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