03 • Bad luck

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Tuesday, August 11th - 5:38am

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Tuesday, August 11th - 5:38am

I barely slept last night. Thanks to my dads loud music and his midnight scandals.

I wish his business trip was extended for one more week.

School. My dad. Aiden.

It's hard to pretend everything is going fly to my mom. I just don't want to upset my mom, she's already stressed enough.

I stand up and make my way downstairs.

Of course he made a mess.

I look over then mess and notice broken glass. I forgot to hide the glass dishes I got over summer.

He breaks anything and everything he sees.

There goes my babysitting money.

After I'm done cleaning I walk back up stairs to get dressed for school.

I chose a white lace top with some flare jeans paired with my black high top converse.

After putting on the outfit I stare at myself.

Does this outfit show too much of my arm? Will they laugh how scrawny I am or how my boobs aren't that big... or will the notice the scars.

I think I'm going to change. I should change.


Without thinking I grab a black hoodie from my bed and put it over my body and I run down stairs.

"Yes dad?" I start to play with my fingers.

"Where the fuck are my car key."

Car keys? I didn't see those.

"I didn't see them while cleaning sorry."

"You lying son of a bitch." His eyes were bloodshot.

Looks like last night was more than alcohol.

"YOU HID THEM FROM ME SO I WOULDN'T GO ANYWHERE." He starts to walking closer and closer with every word he spoke.

I closed my eyes. I felt my heart start to beat faster.

He stands face to face with me.

"T-that's n-not true I-I didn't take anyth-" I keep my eyes closed.

He grabs my arm moves me slightly forward and slaps my face.

He was about to go again, so I force my arm out of his grip and push him.

He yells some curse words as I start running up the stairs. But clearly I haven't been taking running seriously and he grabs my foot and drags me down.

Well isn't the great.

I use the foot he dragged me down with and kicked his face.

With him groaning in pain I take advantage and get back up and run again.

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