12 • Costume

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Friday, October 23rd

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Friday, October 23rd

I sat in class drawing on Aidens arm as he did the worksheet.

He's such a loser.

I mainly wrote a bunch of nonsense such as him being a loser, a bitch, and a pussy boy.

To top it off I drew a tiny pp and labeled it as his. Then next to it I drew a bigger one next to and labeled it as mines.

He better not erase my hard work. I broke hand bones to draw this.

"I'm going to chop off your arm and hang it up in a museum." I said as I added final touches to my drawing.

He looks down at his arm and then at me.

"It's just words.. and two penis's?" he furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Still, the great Saramea Anderson did it." He looks at me for a second and goes back to writing on the work sheet.

Loser alert.

During these past few weeks Olivia is still nonstop harassing me. I should file a restraining order against her or something. Jason is still creepy as ever. I don't tell Aiden anything since they're basically besties. Also the best thing yet is Aiden invited us to a Halloween costume party.

I've never been to a high school party before so I'm kinda excited.

I have a little over a week to decided what I'm going to wear, but me and Luna made up a plan to forces Weston, Miles, and Aiden to dress up with us.

Aiden being the loser that he is said he wasn't going to dress up even if we paid him. Again loser alert.

Weston shook his head and Miles said he sucks at costume planning. They should be called the Loser trio.

"So hey Aiden."

"What." He doesn't even spare me a glance and continues working on his worksheet.

"I was thinking of going shopping after school with the group and..."


"You're coming with us." I put the pen I was using to draw on him down.

"No." Again he doesn't look up at me.

"Yes." I lean on my hand.


Is he getting tired of always hanging out with me? I mean yeah I guess seeing the same person every single day can get annoying, but am I that annoying?

"Fine." I look up at him shocked.

I smile and lean back on my chair.

"See I knew you'd say yes."

𓂃 ֢

"Devil or angel?" I say to Aiden as we walk inside the mall.

"I don't care." I roll my eyes at his responses and turn to face Luca and the rest.

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