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Dean's small heart beat terribly in his chest,threatening to pound right out. He felt frozen,arms locked tightly around the small bundle in his arms. Sam screamed loudly but Dean didn't hear a thing,his eyes frozen at the scene in front of him. Reflection of the Flames over taking his house in his glistening eyes. He wanted to cry but held in the tears,wanting to be strong for his dad. An explosion rocked the house and Dean held his breath in concern for his father.

"Dad!" He yelled in a panic adjusting the bundle in his arms. Just as Dean had lost hope that his dad would come out John stumbled through the Fiery doorway. "Dad!" Dean yelled running towards his father. Sirens appeared behind Dean and flashed over his father's burnt face.

"Come on Dean." John yelled running away. Dean watched his father run away and stumbled after him,sam's blanket unrolling and touching the ground. Dean tripped over the blanket train and tumbled,keeping sam close to his chest,protecting him. The rough ground scratched his elbows as he protected sam who screamed but was unharmed.

John heard the babe scream and cursed turning and grabbing the baby and yanking Dean to his feet.

"Come on son,we've got to go." He urged and Dean stumbled after him scared and confused,firemen already spraying at the fire too distracted to notice the fleeing family. John held the baby tightly to his chest and ran to his car opening the squeaky door quickly,shoving the baby inside. John moved in the car quickly and started the engine driving a few feet then screeching to a stop and unrolled re window.

"Dean!" He yelled as Dean stumbled up to the car and climbed into the front seat. They were already off before Dean even had time to buckle his seat belt. Dean felt the urge again to cry but bit his cheek knowing his father would yell.

John was a large man with dark eyes and thick hair and brows he was over six feet tall and an ex marine the strongest man Dean knew. Although John cared for his family he didn't show it often and had a short temper.

Dean looked down at his bleeding knees and touched them lightly wincing a little. John looked over slightly as he spun the car around a corner.

"how's Sammy?" John asked squinting at the road and pressing on the acceleration pedal. Dean sighed and picked up the screaming bundle,the babes face red with anger.

"He's okay." Dean replied as Sammy let out another howl of cries,tiny fists shaking in protest.

"Dean,he doesn't sound okay!" John yelled staring at the road. Dean blinked his sudden harsh words startling him. "Dean! Shut him up." Dean nodded and opened the blanket enough to see sam's face and looked the at the baby's clear green eyes.

"Shhh,Sammy. It me your biggest brother Dean." He tried Sam continued to screech and Dean bounced him slightly. "It's okay Sammy. We're okay,I'm not gonna let anything happen to you,ever okay?" He pleaded and Sam looked at Dean claiming a little and smiling slightly. Dean sighed in relief as John swerved,pressing Dean against the door forcefully.

The image of his wife burning was burned into John's mind,overtaking him he had to know what had killed her And the police would just think he was crazy he couldn't let them know that they had survived the fire. He found the cheapest nearby hotel and walked inside,smelling like smoke and blackened but too involved to care.

When they got into the room John had laid sam on the bed,who instantly fell asleep. John left and returned with a bag he always kept in the back of his car. He packed the few hints he had salvaged and deans heart leaped with fear.

"Dad,are you leaving?"

"Watch sam." He ordered and Dean ran to his father and tugged on his sleeve.

"Dad,please don't leave me." John pushed Dean off and headed for the door stopping in the doorway.

"Keep the door locked,t leave this room." John orders.

"But dad--"

"Dean!" He yelled as Dean fell silent.

"Watch Sammy I'll be back." Dean wanted to ask when but knew it was pointless. John slammed the door closed and left,dean standing alone by the doorway.

Dean looked at the floor and turned off the light flushing himself in darkness. He heard the car start up and he ran to the window watching his dad drive away in the shiny black car. Walking to a corner he leaned agains the back and slid down the wall.

He squeezed his fists until his finger nails cut into his palms but the tears came anyway a few at first sliding down his cheeks. Then more and more until he was sobbing uncontrollably nose running he cried harder and harder until his small frame shook and he couldn't control it anymore. His mother was dead and his father was gone,he didn't know when he would come back.

Dean had cried himself to sleep,curling. Up in the corner on the floor. Dean awoke early the next morning to the cries of a baby.

"Mom. Sammy's crying." Dean mumbled turning over and bumping his knee on the wall. The pain shocked up his leg and he jolted awake remeb ring everything that had happened. He wiped his nose with the back of his sleeve and took in his surroundings.

Walking over to the bed,Dean looked down at sam. He had rolled out of his blanket and wet through his pajamas face right in frustration. Dean shushed him silently and picked him up twisting his face in disgust at the wetness. Sam's screams quieted to a cry and Dean sat him on the bed.

"Sam,gross." Dean pulled off the wet pajamas pinched between his fingers and pulled off the heavy diaper and looked around looking for a diaper of some sort. He couldn't find anything but a newspaper and a roll of ductape.

After he wrapped the baby's rear end in newspaper and taped in together with ductape stepping back and admiring his work. After the makeshift diaper was made sam stopped crying and stared up at his older brother. Dean stared down at him and Sam smiled.

"What you smiling at?" Dean ask sullenly. Sam smiled wider and giggled. Dean tried to keep a strait face but sam's happiness was contagious and he smiled. "Okay,okay let's used you some food." Dean sighed and wondered around the room looking in cupboards and the fridge but they were so empty.

"Sammy,wait here I'll be right back." Dean said and left the room returning a free minutes late with a sack of food. Pulled out a sandwich and set it on the bed. "That's for me and this is for you." Dean pulled out a bottle of lukewarm milk and picked up the unclothed sam,dribbling some of the milk in his mouth most of it running down his chest. "Doesn't matter where I got it." Dean reassured himself looking over at the stolen bag shamefully.

After he was fed as well as Dean
could,sam fell asleep again. Dean wrapped him in the smoky blanket and da by the door waiting for his dad knowing he would come back. Sam whimpered in his sleep and dream and Dean picked him up sitting with him by the door.

"It's okay Sammy,we'll be Okay. I'll watch you."

The Road Before(supernatural fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora