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6years later

Dean adjusted his bright blue shirt proudly,superman symbol stretched across his chest. Dean was now ten,and taller than most of the kids he saw around his age and stronger too. John was gone most of the time,giving Dean the responsibility of watching out for Sam. Being,only ten,his ideas of watching a little brother were a little different form his father's.

Sam stood behind Dean more than a foot shorter,skinner and smaller than Dean by a large amount. Sam was small for his age and was often picked on for his size,and knack for coming off as the weird nerdy kid. Sam was only six and looked up to Dean for everything he did,wearing a black shirt with a batman symbol crumpled,the shirt was way too big,across his own chest.

The wind ruffled sam's long hair and Dean turned to Sam,a wide-freckled grin splitting his face.

"Sammy,watch this!" Dean turned and ran. They were standing atop about a ten foot roof,a windy day flicking their makeshift blanket capes up heroically in the wind. Jumping just as his foot caught the edge of the roof,Dean flew towards the ground and landed rolling forward. Once he stopped rolling he just laid there,eyes closed and still.

Sam's heart thudded with fear and he scrambled to the edge.

"Dean!" He yelled in fear feeling tears start to make their way out of his eyes. Suddenly dean's eyes snapped open and laughing,he jumped up pointing at Sam.

"Gotcha!" Dean laughed and Sam stopped his foot.

"Not funny Dean!" Dean didn't respond but continued to laugh as Sam's legs started to buckle as he took in the distance.

"Your turn!" Dean called,small hands cupped to his mouth.

"No!" Sam squeaked,heart thudding,making his chest feel heavy like lead. He suddenly though he was going to vomit.

"Fraidy cat!" Dean mocked.

"Am not!"

"Are too!" Sam huffed at Dean remark and squeezed his eyes shut tight and half jumped half fell off the roof. There was a moment of wind rushing in his ears then impact. It hit him so hard it knocked the wind form his lungs and made white flashes flash across his vision a crack sounding clear,landing forward,arm twisted beneath him.

"Dean..." He coughed not moving from his place.

"Oh,Sammy." Dean gasped in shock staring down at Sam's arm,bent at an unattractive angle. But just as quickly as he had been shocked Dean gathered himself together for Sam's sake,to keep him calm. Finally,the vomit came. It pooled in front of him where his face lay in the ground in front of him,arm twisted painfully beneath his body.

Dean turned his head both ways for help but no one was to be seen. Dean turned Sam over onto his back having to bite his lip to keep from gagging at the sight of Sam's arm.

"Dean...?" He whimpered,tears pouring from his eyes,vomit hanging off his chin.

"Hey,your okay Sammy. Come on walk it off." Dean smiled falsely helping Sam to a sitting position.

"What happened?" Sam murmurs disoriented starting to look down to look at his arm,Dean jerked Sam's head up with his hand so he wouldn't see.

"You hit your head,idiot." He chuckled reassuring. "Come on,Sammy what were you thinking,everyone knows batman can't fly." Sam nodded slowly and Dean patted his back calmly,helping him up to stand.

"Dean...?" Pain slowly found its way creep into Sam's senses starting first as an ache growing more intense. He looked down at his arm and cried out. "Dean! Dean! Dean!" He panicked and Dean grabbed his face.

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