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Although John had left in a hurry,he was certainly in no hurry to make his way back. Dean and Sam were left alone for two weeks. Dean never lost faith for a moment,only leaving when he had to for food for Sam and if he could find it,food for him. Dean had already lost five pounds. Five pounds his already small body didn't have to give and he was dirty and his clothes smelt. Sam started to cry and Dean groaned,the lack of sleep taking its toll.

Sam hasn't let him sleep for a moment crying all night long. Every night Dean would repeat what his mother had said to him,"Angels are watching fiber you." And Dean had believe her,up until the moment of the fire and when John had left them. Walking over to the baby tiredly he looked down at the baby.

"What Sam?" He sighed and the baby continued to cry. Dean checked his newspaper diaper and had recently fed him what was left of a milk carton he stole from the kitchen. As Sam continued to cry Dean sighed and laid his head next to his brother and felt his own eyes burn,pushing back tears of helplessness. "Sammy,please stop crying please." He whispered in silent prayer,a final strive to test if there really were angels watching over them. And suddenly it happened,almost so quick dean couldn't react.

A tall man with a week's worth dark beard and his chin burst into the room.

"Dean!!" He called with ferocious volume and dean leapt form the bed,sudden commotion startling him. "We've got to go,come on." Dean hadn't seen hi father in two weeks and suddenly he shows with they have to leave? "Get your brother come on." He ordered changing out the door,his bag over shoulder.

His father always had been an aggressive man but he seemed especially fierce and dean grabbed Sam quickly and stumbled out the door after his already far ahead father. Having to practically jump inside the moving car,dean held Sam closer his father driving crazily down the road. Dean wanted to cry just a Sam was then long and hard making a mess of his blanket,tiny feet kicking it into a puddle of cloth.

John screeched to a halt when they reached a highest leading into the trees and pulled to the side f the road. "Get out." John commanded slamming the metal door and opening deans,grabbing him by the wrist roughly when he didn't move fast enough. Dean yelped a Sam almost slipped from his arms and he held him tighter against his small body,father dragging him into the trees faster than he could run.

"Dad,where are we--" dean started only to be cut off.

"Shut up." Johns voice growled cooly.
Dean finally gave in the swell in his throat too painful to hold back,tears freed themselves from his eyes and raced across his smooth freckled cheeks. "Your weak,just like your mother." John cackled and dean shook his head.

"No!" Dean yelled not wanting to hear one word more.

"Oh,now is that anyway to talk to your father?" John cackled again,eyes flicking pure black just for a moment. Dean took a step back in surprise and blinked.

"Your not my dad." John chuckled and size dean up with his dark eyes.

"What gave it away,my spunky attitude?" John poured,"or was it the eyes? Kids are so stereotypical theses days."

"Leave us alone." Dean yelled as Sammy whimpered cries quieted as if he could sense the gravity of the situation.

"Oh,what do we have here,little Sammy Wincester." John's face grinned creepily lines creasing the sides if his face. "Now,I know plenty of demons in hell who would pay a pretty price for that sweet little head."

"You don't touch him." Dean warned taking a step backward. The demon smiled cockily and kneeled in front of dean.

"Not even a little?" He stroked his large finger across sand he's gently and dean ripped Sam away quickly turning his back.

"Leave us alone or...or I will kill you." Dean threatened more scared than anything. This thing was not his father and he knew he would have to kill it to get away. The demon chuckled with John's laugh and stood up strait.

"Now that's adorable. Tell me dean how do you kill a demon?" At this point Sam was reduced to silence and had his head rested against dean's chest,one tiny fist grabbing the collar of his shirt. Dean pulled out a stick he had been hiding behind his back and lunged forward jabbing it into the demons leg. The demon chuckled agin and looked at the stick pulling it out. "We'll I must say I admire your spirit."

Dean turned and ran quickly into the trees not looking back just running an running tripping over branches and rocks scraping his hands on needles and thorns tearing through the terrain all with Sam protected in front of him. Dean dust stop running until it was dark and he could no lifer hear what had once been his father crashing through the trees behind him.

Curling up against a tree he hummed a song quietly to Sam forehead rating on the sleeping baby's. a twig snapped and dean jumped up,fear striking him stiff. John emerged from a bush and dean prepared to bolt when John caught him by the arm.

"Let me go! Let me go! You demon,you-you son of a bitch!" Dean kicked and flailed his leg and arms but felt the stronger arms lift him up. This is it,dean thought the demon thing was going to kill him and he squeezed his eyes shut and imagined his mother waiting for him.

"Dean." John said more gently. "Dean,it's okay it's me." John said but dean wouldn't have it. "He's gone I promise,look." John forced deans head I his eyes and dens saw the dark brown eyes that belonged to his father and not some creature.


"That's right,it's me." John could see dean regain confidence in him then dean's small face contorted into anger.

"You left us! You left us! You left us!" He gasped small fists pounding against johns chest over and over. "Sammy and I had no food for weeks and we were acted and mom died and you left us." He resorted and cried punching John endlessly until his arms became sore and shaky. He shook uncontrollably and buried his face in john's chest.

John patted his back and held him close. John had searched everywhere the past few weeks looking Ito every possible reason for his wife's death. He needed to knew,he had to know what had killed her. He knew what he saw, not some structure fire started by a lamp in the nursery,like the papers had read, his wife was burning on the ceiling,gut bleeding out above sam's cradle,no the was no structure fire.

After the first week John knew,knew this was something that most men wouldn't date get involved in. Yet,he had to just had to know why had taken his wife and soon. he went looking in dark places paying off bad people and then,black smoke and after that nothing. Possession John knew now was real,he was possessed by a demon.it would have killed dean if not for some odd reason it suddenly fled as if called away by a higher unseen force.

John noticed Dean's sobs and let him cry for a moment more then pulled him back gripping his shoulders and looking him in the eye.

"Sammy okay?" He asked and Dean nodded,wiping his nose on the back of his unbuttoned sleeve. "no crying now son." He finished and grabbed Sam walking quickly back towards their impala. Dean was weak and tired and struggled to keep up with his fathers long stride.

The moment dean's head hit the at window he was asleep,a deep sleep littered with nightmares of his father with black black eyes. John looked over and saw him asleep moving his hand to wake him so he could hold Sam he stopped and considered a moment then held the baby himself looking down at Sam's drooping green-hazel eyes. He smiled a little then stared ahead and the long rode ahead of them their next stop,he didn't know but he knew one thing. Rey Would find the demon who killed Mary and he would kill it.

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