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John ran,lungs pumping heart crashing against his rib cage threatening to break out. It had been weeks after Dean's eleventh birthday but it felt like a lifetime. Shortly after John had given Dean the gun,he found another job.

The job was in a town in Idaho there were reports that showed signs of demonic possession but it was much much more than that.

Now he found himself running for his life,ducking behind a rusted train car,stuck in it spots on the track,he breathed hard gripping the edge of the boxcar for support. He covered his mouth to quiet his breathing. This creature was alike nothing he and ever encountered.

After about ten minutes of waiting nothing came and he wondered if he had shaken it off his trail. His legs and back burned from crouching so long and he wanted to stand. Hoping it was safe he stood and looked side to side,scanning the empty tracks.

John held his gun,finger on the trigger,at his side. When he was certain he had lost it,he started to slower his pace.

"John." A sweet angelic voice pleaded the moment his pace slowed. He swallowed so she fit hurt,his heart burned and he turned.

"Mary?" He asked in disbelief. Mary stood not thirty feet away from him,still a perfect image of how he remembered her. Long blonde hair curled loosely,white nightgown flowing in the slight breeze like an angel. "No,your dead." He stated uncertainly.

Mary laughed sweetly and took a step closer.

"John,if there is demons and monsters can't there be angels too?" The comment about angels made him pause but he shook his head and raised his gun,barrel parallel to her head. "John please." She pleaded and he felt a tear Burn behind his eyes.

"Stay back!" He ordered whenever she took a step closer. She was slowly walking to him,seemingly unafraid of the gun pointed strait at her temple.

"John,you won't shoot me."

"You don't know that." He responded deep voice shaking. She was ten feet away now. Five feet. Two feet. She wAs so close now he could feel her breath on him.

"Mary." He warned with a tone that would have made any person flinch. "Please,don't make me." He said slowly and closed his eyes. Mary rested a hand on his jaw and he opened his eyes looking at her.

"Oh John,what happened to you?" He nuzzled his face into her hand slightly he imagined for so long what height give to feel her touch again. And suddenly he wanted to believe that this was Mary. She smiled. "That's right." And brought her face close to his.

She smelt as she always had sweet and gentle mixed with a hint of flower that wasn't so overpowering like a newborn baby. Her lips were now inches from his and he brought closer to him and then pain. It was so sudden he almost didn't realize what had happened. Staring down in awe,he saw the end of a blade protruding from his lower chest.

"Mary?" He mumbled feeling the warm dark spot grow. She smiled her hand still on his face.

"What John? What?" She asked confusing him with her soft stare. Twisting the knife,he groaned.

"Mary I'm sorry". He whispered and fired a few rounds of his gun at her. She fell back stunned,knife pulled loose. A flicker of moonlit reflected in her eyes and they flashed white. "Shapeshifter." He growled pain spreading. Her face contorted and she laughed the scowl creasing her face in a way that he had never seen her before.

Yet the salt bullets seemed to have no effect and she lunged at him again,nightgown red with his blood. He shot gun his gun fell and skidded out of his reach. She grabbed his neck and cholked him with incredible strength.

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