7-1967 Chevy Impala

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John woke the boys and sent them to the car. Half asleep and dazed both boys stumbled to the familiar car,unaware of what was happening. John opened the door to the drivers side. Dean was sleeping in the front seat,Sam in the back.

"You boys,stay here I'm gonna talk to bobby." Dean mumbled something that sounded like 'yes sir' and John pounded back into the old house.

John stayed there until the sun came up and forced its way into windows of the impala. The light filtered over the young brothers and soon they were awake,waiting in the car for their father patiently.

"What's he do'in in there anyway?" Sam wondered tracing his army guy against the seal of the window. Dean shrugged,satisfying himself with his own toy,one bobby had given him. A few brightly colored Legos.

"Beats me." Sam shrugged at Dean's response.

"Probably kicking Bobby's Ass for vein so nice to us."



"Noth'in." Dean replied stacking the Legos like a tower on the dash. With the coming sun,it was beginning to get hot in the car and dean opened the passengers door,returning to his Plastic tower on the dash.

Wind kept rushing through the door and knocking over his tower. Getting frustrated,Dean shoved the base of his tower into the air vent at the top of the dash trying to get a snug fit when a few pieces fell in. He gulped and sat back glancing at Sam to see if he saw. He hadn't. If his father figured out he would be dead,he thought tossing the rest if the Legos under the seat.

Meanwhile in the back seat Sam pretended in army guy was in combat running against the window dodging bullets and he muttered to himself.

"Take cover!" As a grenade flew over his head And his army guy jumped into the ash tray on the door. Sam went to grab his guy but it was stuck. He pulled and pulled but e couldn't get it out,disappointed he sat back about to ask dean for help when he was distracted by what his older brother was doing.

"Dean?" He asked curiously climbing over the seat. Dean was using his poker knife he always kept to carve his name into the wood under the leather layer in the dash,a small flap created by his knife. Pushing his unbuttoned sleeves of his flannel off his hands so he could move them without getting his divers tangled in the large shirt that had once been dean's,he traced over the initials.

"D.W....?" He asked and dean nodded. "What does that mean?"

"That's my name,dean Winchester."

"Cool. What's mine?"

"S.W. Sam Winchester." He explained and Sam laughed putting his hand out.

"I want to do mine!" Dean handed him the knife and Sam scratched a crude S.W. into the wood parallel to Dean's. dean sat back and admired their work.

"This is out car." He grinned and suddenly dean heard Bobby's door slam and he returned the flap scrambling to the passenger's side Sam flipping over the seat to the back.

John marched down the driveway in what Dean hoped was a better mood and got into the car. It was silent till he spoke.

"You boys look good." It was true the work plus good eating and sufficient sleep had given both of them strength and color to their skin. Even Sam,who was still small didn't look quite so scrawny. Dean,definitely looked older at least eleven maybe twelve now. "I think we'll stop by Bobby's again next month and you boys can stay with him for the weekend while I work another case."

Sam and dean rejoiced inside but said nothing. Living with bobby had been the best time of their lives and dean didn't know what had happened in that house when John and bobby talked but dens knew not that for the first time since his mother's death it was possible to feel happy again.

"Why is it always so damn hot in here?" John grumbled and clicked on the AC which a silent slight rattling could be heard. "What the hell?" He wondered an turned it off,the noise stopping then flicking it in again the small rattle. "I'll have to get that checked." He wondered all loud and dean sunk into his seat,remembering the Legos.

Pulling out of the road,They drive and drove only stopping here and there for gas and road snacks,much less healthy than what bobby had fed the boys,hime cocked meals. Although John wouldn't admit it,the boys were stronger and looked better after being left with bobby.

Driving all day and into the night,Sam and dean were also when they woke to a string if damning cursed that would have even made the devil him sled blush.

John pounded in the dash and dean flinched wondering if he had found the carving.

"Damn car,runs for over sixteen years and now it shuts down on me." He mumbled and walked out flipping up the hood. The car was pulled to the side of the freeway out of the way. John fiddled in the hood trying to figure out what was wrong and dean rubbed the sleep from his eyes,hopping out.

"Dean,get back in the car." John ordered but Dean ignored him and the nasty glare.

"Let me see." He insisted and John grit his teeth in frustration. Dean,peeked over the edge of the car and poked around,touching a part and jerking his hand back it was so hot it sizzled and he already saw a blister form on the tip of his finger. Wiping grease on his baggy shirt,Dean nodded.

"It just over heated. She's an old car and has been sitt'in in the sun all day then driv'in on the road all day nonstop. Just got tired." He diagnosed all this with what Bobby had taught him.

Bobby had tried to teach Sam al little but he got bored and would start playing with his army guys and when he was paying attention he was messing something up.

Yet dean,loved learning new things about every sort of the car,soaking it up disk ding with spare pieces he had even started to repair a car with bobby knowledge if the vehicles blossoming, it was something that he was confident and he liked the only thing he knew he was good at.

"Yeah? And why should I trust my baby son?" John mocked and dean shrugged.

"Bobby showed me. Wait for her to cool down and well be good to go." John spat but waited still and then started the engine to his surprise the engine roared to life. If he was impressed he didn't show and just kept driving but dean smiled.

That night they reached a motel in Arizona and John and Sam went to sleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow but dean only pretended. He snuck out after they were sleep tiptoeing to the parking lot.

Approaching the impala,he traced his finger softly against the shiny paint. It was black and would have been hard to make out if there wasn't a full moon illuminating the shine if the car. Every curve it's own Mirror.

Dean traced the handles and the rubber tires running his fingers over the cursive Chevrolet branding. He opens the door and crawled inside,tracing the carved initials and smiling. He didn't care if his father drive it this was Dean's car.

Before,it was just a car but now Dean knew it was much more and he felt a connection. Bobby showed him the connection between cars and Dean fell in live with the impala putting he wheel under his hands and pressing the petals with his toes,barely reaching.

Pretending to drive it down the road he tuned the wheel and made screeching sounds pretending to be singing to the radio.

The Road Before(supernatural fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ