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After that night,they moved to a new location and Sam had to stay home from school for two weeks. Sam couldn't stay home alone so Dean stayed with him,watching T.V. Playing board games and other simple activities that wouldn't upset Sam's concussion but kept them from dying of boredom.

After the two weeks were over Dean was surprised to find himself actually excited to enter the new school,although he liked staying home with Sam he often felt like he didn't get enough time to breathe,look after himself for just a moment. Also,staying cooped up in a house for two weeks didn't sit well with him. School was a relief.

John drove the boys to the small old school,dropping them off at the entrance telling them he'd be late getting home and that they would have to take the bus. It was a normal for John to do that and Dean didn't really expect him back until the next day.

The elementary was old,faded blue paint peeling,small wooden steps warped and curling from their foundations. The was a thin flagpole with an American flag that looked like it had seen its own years of war hanging loosely against the pole as if the fullness of the school was making it tired. A faded white sign,barely audible read:

"Safe haven Elementary." Sam read squinting he was exceptionally smart for his age and size,despite their inconsistent schooling. always reading whatever book he could get his hands on,saying every sign on the road as they passed it. Something Dean would never admit but been jealous of,Dean struggled academically in school but never stayed long enough at one school for a teacher who could help him.

"We'll see about that." Dean grumbled shifting his backpack on his small shoulder and walking up the old steps and opening the double doors,holding them open for Sam who was struggling to hold his backpack and lunchbox while opening the door with one hand.

The moment they walked in a secretary from the counter split them up and Sam looked at Dean all the way down the hall until he was out of sight. The first grader's were on the opposite hall from the fourth graders. Just before Sam left into his classroom he broke away from the secretary and ran down the hall towards Dean,wrapping his skinny arms around Dean's waist and hugging him as tight as he could.

"Okay,okay." Dean grumbled patting him on the back as if to say:that's enough and Sam let go.

"Meet me by the flag pole after school?" Sam asked large green eyes full of concern. Dean nodded and messed up his hair.

"By the flagpole don't be late,I don't want to miss the bus and have to walk a few miles home." Sam smiled and nodded walking back to his classroom.

"I won't."

The day went by quickly enough,Dean making friends in the first hour of school,causing trouble with the teacher and basically all over being the stinker ten year old he was. Dean was instantly labeled the likable trouble maker.

The day for Sam however,would not go fast enough. Things started out okay he would answer questions and people would ignore him but then after answering almost every question each time the teacher asked,kids started to shoot him glares of disgust. It didn't help that he was small many of the taller first-graders quickly started to single him out,throwing an eraser at the back of his head when he wasn't looking or accidentally knocking his papers over with his elbow when they walked by. Sam was eventually labeled the class dork.

Another week passed and Sam continued to get bullied and picked on. The tricks got worse and worse as the kids became more comfortable with Sam. Even a few older second and third graders joined in on the torture. Sam didn't dare tell Dean he knew Dean who overeat and probably get himself kicked out of school,again.

When the lunch bell rang Sam's heart fluttered as he ran for the door,lunch pail in hand he wanted to get to the outside before the kids had time to corner him. Sam sighed a sigh of relief when he made it out before anyone else and bolted for the small rusty playground. Scrambling up the steps,he was able to climb onto an overgrown tree branch that hung over the playground and climb into the tree. It was a bit more difficult with one arm in a cast but Dean had taught him to climb well and he made it high enough in the tree to be concealed fully by the foliage.

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