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After they had left Bobby's John took the boys new found strength and education to work. Dean would watch Sam while John went on hunts,went back to school and life went on as it had before Bobby but neither of the boys would admit,they missed life at Bobby's.

Every Friday night Bobby would make his wife's signature apple pie and Dean would just crumble. That was one thing he missed the most,Friday night Pie. He had even dreamed about it since then.

Every now and then Bobby would call to check up on them and Dean would lie and tell him everything was great but the truth was,Bobby missed the boys as much as they missed him. Yet,the boys never brought up their time with Bobby around John,it made him angry. Dean thought it might have been jealously but would never say so.

Everything had been going by so normal Dean had forgotten it was his birthday. He was turning eleven but felt older. He had to be,for his dad and for Sam. John of course,was MIA for the past few days and Sam was the only one who seemed to remember.

He watched Dean sleep peacefully in the bed they shared and covered the paper he was coloring with his arm. Sam had wanted to give Dean something special for his birthday,Dean was always there for Sam and it made Sam's small six year old self sad to see Dean forget his own birthday.

He was making him a card game by coloring oddly shaped squares that were supposed to be cards and plastering crayon drawings of different types of villains and heroes in the other side. School had gotten out for the summer weeks ago in their current area,and they often found themselves bored,locked down on house arrest by John.

Finishing the game,he wrapped it in a fast food bag he found on the counter from last nights dinner. It had a few grease spots peppering it's brown papery surface but Sam didn't mind and he knew Dean wouldn't either. Sam set the small package on the table and piled some papers on top hastily when he heard Dean have an intake of breath.

It gave Sam a start but he knew Dean wouldn't be up another hour. John had taken him out mysteriously again last night,he did that every once in a while when Sam fell asleep. They thought Sam didn't notice but he did. Usually dean was out all night and snuck in just as the sun rose Sam wanted him to get as much sleep as he could.

And if fate permitted him,Dean would sleep until almost ten o'clock am. It was already 9:05 and Sam looked around,opening cupboards on his tip toes,still small for his age,trying to find a special treat for Dean.

He couldn't find anything except for a half filled bag of flour,sugar,salt and pepper along with a bag of brea with three prices left. In the fridge he found a couple half drunk bottles of beer,left by John,and a bottle of ketchup,and a 3/4empty jar of jam.

Biting in small lip in thought,he finally came up with an idea. He remembered how much Dean loved Bobby's pie and he knew he would be happy if Sam made him some pie.

There was only one problem,Sam had no idea how to make a pie. He remembered a few of the ingredients yet couldn't exactly pinpoint any directions or specifics. He pulled out the sugar,flour,and jam and set in on the counter.

That was all you really needed wasn't it? He thought to himself and estimated handfuls of the ingredients into a paper bowl he found under the sink,mixing them together. After he mixed it,he knew it looked nothing like pie. It was a dry crumbly sticky mess and so he adds water.

It became a little more wet and so he added more until it was almost swimming in water. At that point he was so frustrated he poured the excess water out into the sink and was about the restart when he noticed the lumpy mess looked better without all the water.

Next,he thought was to cook it. Even with the aid of a chair,Sam couldn't reach the dials for the oven so decided cooking on the stove top would be basically the same thing,the knobs for the stove top were on the edge of the front if the oven and he could reach them easily.

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