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A few weeks passed and the Winchesters had already moved locations,Dean was glad they hadn't found a new school yet the last experience led him schooled out for a bit. Dean was asleep on the floor next to Sam who was snoring peacefully arm resting on his chest lightly. They were able to have the cast removed that very day and Sam was excited,able to do all the things he had been prohibited to do previously.

John snuck in the small cigarette stained motel room,Holding the keys in his large palm so the keys wouldn't jingle. Tapping dean on the shoulder dean lunged,grabbing his father by the wrist other knife in the other hand. Dean's always slept with a knife under his pillow,his father had made him until it became habit.

"Dean! It's me." John hissed though knowing deep down he was impressed. Dean slowly lowered the knife his grip on John's wrist the last thing to go.

"Your late."

"I know,I promised to be back by noon but I'm getting close." Dean groaned he was always saying 'he was getting close' to finding what killed his mom what seemed like forever ago. "Dean,I need your help."

Now dean was really listening it was rare his father ever asked for help for anything,especially Dean, he always wasn't fast or strong enough for John never enough. John expected too much of him but he tried to hard to make the cut.


"Yes,Dean, I need you to come with me on a hunt." The sentence shocked dean so much he pinched himself to check if he were sleeping. Dean knew about John's hunts but he never had asked for help.

"What about Sam?"

"He'll be fine,lock the doors,slip back in by morning he won't even know you left." Dean nodded excited now. "Come on,get dressed quickly." Dean dressed quickly and followed his dad to the Impala and expected to get into the front of the car but John kept walking to the back.


"Shhhh." John hissed putting a large hand on the trunk. "I'm going to show you something but I need you to keep quiet and never tell Sammy,m'kay?" Dean nodded and crossed his heart with his finger.

John unlocked the trunk and swung it open. Dean gasped in awe. Yet were all sorts of weapons hanging from the door to the trunk,wooden crosses here and there,metal flasks and jugs filed with what strangely looked like blood. Daggers shining in the moonlight like glittering pearls in the dark ocean sea.

John grabbed a small handgun and looked it over,tossing it To dean. Dean caught it easily but just stared,fear and excitement outweighing his common sense. His hands were hot an sweaty now,and he feared it would slip from his hands.

Dean had never held a gun in his life he hoped John didn't expect him to fire it too. If John noticed dean's uncertainty he didn't mention it and walked to the drivers side hopping in the car and yelling for Dean impatiently.

Nervously,Dean got into the passenger side of the car and going so dropped the gun on the floor of the car. John grunted in disapproval and slammed on the gas pedal after starting the car,peeking out towards the road.

"Pick it up,Dean!" He growled and Dean leaned forward,scrambling for the gun. "I need you help Dean but if you can't even hold that I might as well send you back home."

"No." Dean protested and gripped it harder. "It's just,I don't know how to shoot." John ignored him and kept driving.

"When we get there," he explained not giving Dean any details as to where,"you stay behind me." Dean nodded still wondering why John needed him. The truth was John had tried to. Break into a building as quietly as possible but he had dialed finding the air vent was the only way. John was strong and muscular with wide shoulders and had no chance of fitting through. But he instantly thought of his ten-year old son who would slide through easily.

When they arrived, Dean saw a small white church building with a wooden cross hanging over the glass door,a couple old trucks and classic cars parked around it,nothing like the kind of cars you'd expect to be in front of a church. Dean wondered what kind of church held services at 12:00 at night? Actually it was 2:34 but Dean didn't carry a watch.

John entered the building with Dean in tow and what he saw surprised him so much he took a step back. The Lightning was dim but there was not a patch on the wall that was bare. Every inch was covered with maps,newspaper clippings and sting connecting photos to places. It reminded Dean of a crazy intricate spiderweb all over the world.

And the people there were at least twenty people in packed into the small one room church,pinning things on the wall or filling homemade bullets with what looked like...salt? A few were even assembling guns,competing for sport laughing each time one man won.

The sight was so shocking he tripped over one of the many beer cans strewn across the floor and flew face first into John's back. John cursed and grabbed his arm yanking him beside him. The church was mostly filled with men,maybe two or three women.

"This Dean?" A voice asked as a skinny man shorter than John by a good foot or so,and with a thin copper- brown mullet that was greasy and pulled into a pony tail. Dean drum he's his nose the closer he came,the scent of beer was strong.

"Bobby." John smiled and grabbed the man's hand patting him on the back. Pulling away from Bobby he pointed to Dean who was trying hard to stand as tall as he Could. "This is Dean."

"Thought as much." Bobby responded as if he knew already. "Got them same shoulders,good strong back. He's a big boy,John." John nodded. Bobby squinted as if sizing him up. "Should fit."

"What?" Dean asked confused and John clamped a hand in his shoulder. "Dean i asked you to help me with a hunt,Bobby's coming with us." Dean didn't trust Bobby he had just met him and he doubted he was sober enough to even if he wanted to.

"Come on son,we're all hunters here." Bobby chided.

"Hunters?" Dean asked and Bobby grinned teeth yellowed.

"Yes,sir. Hunters. Ya know Killin' demons,ghosts,werewolves." Dean stared at him blankly. Bobby chuckled. "No time for chatt'in though,You know how to shoot a gun?" Dean shook his head.

"Damn,John what you teach this boy?" He slapped Dean on the back. "That's alright. Your learn. Let's go." And with that they all left the church full of what Bobby called hunters and Bobby jumped into an old truck and John and Dean into the impala. Driving out into the night Dean could here Bobby give a yelp of excitement and drive off John in pursuit.

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