Murder Family - Not Fun Pt. 1

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Pride Ring
Blitzø's Home

Isaac is seen sleeping soundly on the couch, an arm and leg hung over the edge, his face planted into an extra pillow, his face aimed towards the rest of the house.

Which gives Blitzø the perfect view of a sleeping Isaac, his phone already snapping a few pictures, an innocent smile strewn across his face.

"The fuck are you doing?" Loona asks quietly, approaching Blitzø and Isaac, her eyes finding Isaac to be drooling onto the pillow.

"Ain't he just so cute, Loonie?" Blitzø responds with a question, snapping another picture of Isaac.

"N-No... I mean, No, he's stupid looking... And he's drooling on the fucking pillow." Loona quickly snapped a picture of him, before walking away, scoffing.

Blitzø sighs, tapping Isaac's face, "Hey, buddy, wake up, time for work!" This causes Isaac to quickly roll off the couch, jumping up a moment later and gathering his things.

"Calm down, ya Sinner, go take a shower, Loonie and I'll wait out in the car for you."

Pride Ring
I.M.P Offices

"Huh, they look innocent enough..." Isaac is seen standing next to Moxxie and Millie, the husband taking aim at a picture of a human family with a crossbow.

"But... Look at them, they look so nice!" Moxxie lowers the crossbow.

"Hey, wait a minute... I know that bitch!" Isaac points at the mother to the family, he studies the picture. "She tried raping me!"

Isaac takes the crossbow from the Imp, leveling the weapon to the picture of the woman, he pulls the trigger, releasing the metal bolt and allowing it to fly through the picture.

The bolt then jams into the wall, "Eat it, bitch!" The door is suddenly slammed open, revealing Blitzø, and the latest client, a tall purple skinned Demoness. (Image at Top)

"Nice shot, Isaac! Now we only have to actually kill her!" Blitzø pushes the woman into the room, "Everyone, this is... Uh... Tits, no... Uh..."

"Mrs. Mayberry..." The Sinner answers, which makes Isaac point at her.

"You ever teach a brat named Barbry?" The woman thinks a moment, before nodding.

"Isaac..? The little blonde boy, so musically talented... He'd be in college now." - Mrs. M.

"Isaac, if you start flirting with the client, you won't go." Blitzø jabs a finger at Isaac, who throws his hands to the sides.

"I'M NOT FLIRTING BLITZØ! I'm reconnecting with my favorite teacher!" Isaac turns to Mayberry, smiling softly, "How'd you end up down here, Teach? I remember you being really sweet."

"Ooh, the... Bitch I've hired you to kill fucked my Husband on a live call, while I was in class..." She shook her head slightly a small smile striking her face, "I... Drove home, thought I killed them both... Then shot myself..."

She weeps slightly, "Right in front of all those children... I feel so bad..." Putting her head in her hands, Isaac tosses the crossbow to Moxxie, before approaching the woman, slowly he puts a hand on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring pat.

The woman taking the opportunity to hug Isaac lightly, taking him by surprise.

"Thank you, Isaac..." She giggles softly, pulling away from the hug, "I remember asking you to deliver letters... Now I'm hiring you to... To murder someone."

"Hey, she hurt my favorite teachers feelings, now, I've got a family to ruin."

Martha's Residence

Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, and Isaac are seen walking through the woods, the leader of the group checking over a rifle.

"So, are we just killing the Mother?" Isaac looks to Blitzø, who nods.

"Yes, just the Mother... Ruining one big happy family! Just the job for our little family!" Blitzø pulls everyone into a hug, the only one not present in the family is Loona, as she is back in Hell, ready to open the portal.

"We'd be a weird family... Millie and Moxxie are married, Loona is your Daughter, and I'm literally just a Human Sinner." Isaac hums, looking down at the shorter Imps.

"We're not a family, sir... You are the Boss, and we are simply employees..." Moxxie sighs, pushing out of the hug, and grabbing Millie out of the hug as well.

"Whatever, least I've got Loona and Isaac!" Blitzø shrugs, walking forward, "And here we are! Damn that's a nice view..." The group stops at the edge of the woods, looking out at a house on a small hill, surrounded by pickett fence and a lake.

Theres a click of a phone camera, the three Imos turning to face Isaac, he looks over to them, confusion strewn on his face, "What? That's a bomb wallpaper." They continue staring, causing Isaac to groan, "Whatever..." He walks out of the woods towards the house.

"Alright, Mox, with me, Millie, keep watch!" Blitzø and Moxxie follow Isaac towards the house, Millie disappearing into the woods again.

Isaac peeks into the window, spotting Martha, her Husband, and two children, an older daughter and a younger son.

"How's it lookin?" - Blitzø

"Well, they have a head mounted on their wall." Blitzø looks up at Isaac, a confused look on his face, "What? They do, little blonde kids head..."

"Lemme see..." Blitzø jumps onto Isaac's back, giving him a good view into the room, "Wow, okay... This family is fucked up."

"Now can you get off me? You're just like my fuckin' bird." Blitzø runs his hands through Isaac's hair, smiling at him stupidly, then drops off his back and shoulders.

"Are... Are we really doing this? Killing a Family?" Moxxie seems the most distraught, looking into the window, spotting the target handing a plate of food to her husband, before kissing him atop the head.

"Hey, anybody who serves their dead cremated grandma food, definitely need to be put down." Isaac leans against the wall, peeking into the window, and pointing at a wheelchair with a little jar on it.

"That's... Alright, I'm killin' this bitch, here goes!" Blitzø steady his rifle to the womans head, slowly fingering at the trigger, as he's about to pull the trigger...

Moxxie has a moral compass, and pushes Blitzø and the rifle to the side, the bullet flying through the window, and hitting the wall besides Martha's head.

"What the... FUCK MOXXIE!" Mox is seen hyperventilating, before releasing a hellish scream for fresh air, "What were you thinking?!"

"Oh we are so fucked..." Isaac sighs, planting a hand to his face, he crouches down, slightly behind Blitzø, closer to the window.

"Ready yer weapons, kiddies, we're goin' huntin'!"


I don't know why, but I think Mrs. Mayberry would be my favorite character, even though shes around for a single episode, then never again.

Man... We like older women here.

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