Short Scenarios

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Again, this'll happen every once in a while, kind of a short break from writing chapters.

We'll get some nice faces in here.


Stolas ♡ Isaac

Isaac owed Blitzø a favor, and the Imp thought it'd be a good idea to offer Isaac a chance at taking Blitzø's spot to bang Stolas for the Grimoire.

"Hooooo..." Stolas let's out a satisfied hoot, cuddling up to Isaac's side, resting his feathery head on Isaac's chest.

"Y'know... I might replace Blitzø again." Isaac pokes Stolas' side, "And if you ever try to stick one of your stupid feathery fingers in my ass again, I will not be doing this again."

"Oooh, you are just so cute stopping me though!" Stolas pokes Isaac's nose, "But I understand, I won't touchy your holes."

"Thanks, Stolas, aside from sex... You're a pretty good guy." Stolas hums, cuddling closer to Isaac.


Millie ♡ Isaac

Isaac is currently attempting to lift a haybail, his hair filled with straw, and his clothing dirty, his hands were sore.

"How... Do you... Do this?" Isaac strains, finally lifting the haybail, barely being able to move the feed further than a foot.

"Duh! I was raised out here, hun! Farmin' is in my blood!" Millie says, as she lifts two haybails twice her size, easily carrying them over her shoulders.

"That... Doesn't seem... Physically possible-!" Isaac trips, the haybail flying out of his hands and exactly where it need to be, but Isaac fell face first into mud.

Millie quickly places the hay in its place, then lifts Isaac form the mud, wiping it off his face with the end of her shirt, "D'aw... C'mere let's get inside, get some tea, then we can relax a little." She hugs Isaac, walking with him towards the house.


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