Royal Outing

390 10 1

Pride Ring
Ars Goetia Mansion

"...Why am I here again, Stolas?" Isaac sighs, flattening the dress shirt to his stomach, rolling his ankle in the tight and uncomfortable dress shoes.

"W-Well... If I'm honest, I need... h-help..." Stolas taps his feather fingers together, the feathers atop his head a little out of place, "With my marriage..."

"Pssh, Yeah... That much is obvious." The Sinner crosses his arms, tapping his fingers on his forearm.

"...Rude... But correct..." Isaac grunts looking Stolas up n' down.

"Well, Stella is all preppy and royal, right? First you've got to dress the part." It cuts to Isaac and Stolas looking into the wardrobe.

"What about this one?" - Stolas

"No capes, Stolas." - Isaac

"...Y-Yes, right." - Stolas

Isaac hums a moment, he enters the Mass amount of clothes, only the rattling of hangers is heard for a moment.

"Gotta re-impress her Stolas." He then exits the wardrobe, holding a variety of clothing, "Try this first." He sets down a he sets down a pare of black 'bird' pants, a white pirate age type of button up shirt. "No. Capes."

Stolas takes the clothing, walking behind a 'Tease Divider' beginning to undress, and gather the set outfit.

Isaac, on the other side of the room, is poking through a book, one of Stolas' many magic books, "Summoning... Duplication... Transportation... Boring as fuck."

He sets the book down, now turning to a piano tucked into the corner of the room, opposite of Stolas and the Tease Divider.

"Not so boring." He approaches, sitting down on the bench, he taps the piece of wood which covers the keys a moment, before lifting it.

He starts, tapping one key a moment, when he looks back and Stolas hasn't peeked out at him, he smirks, continuing to play.

(Solas - Jamie Duffy)

As his fingers peck at the keys, his sways his head gently, increasing the pace of the song, his eyes gently shut.

He seems to be at absolute peace, fingers gliding across the keys as if they were at home, as he nears the end of the song he bites his lip gently, playing the final few keys.

"That... That was marvelous!" Stolas seemingly teleports to his side, causing him to jump slightly.

"And does your outfit look marvelous, Sto-" Isaac turns, the bird does infact look stunning oddly enough, Stolas offers Isaac a hand to stand, but is brushed off as the Sinner stands.


"Yeah, looks good, now go hide in the hall near the dining room." Stolas tilts his head a moment, before nodding.

Isaac follows him out of the room, but takes a turn into the kitchen's, where a few Imps in uniform are stood, waiting.

"How'd it go?" One asks.

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