Harvest Moon Festival Pt. 2 - Hog Wrastle!

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"Blitzø, I get you think he's probably cool an' all..." Isaac walks over standing next to Blitzø, "...This fuck is screamin' 'bad news.'"

Blitzø scoffs as Joe cuts in, "Y'know, you boys should enter the Pain Games!" Causing Blitzø to immediately jump infront of Isaac, excitedly.

"Games?! I heard Games! I'm in!"


Wrath Ring
Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch

As Isaac is looking at Joe, Moxxie cuts in, trying to squeeze past the fact that Millie's Sister, and brother walked past them carrying a corpse.

"Y'know, she can also cheer for me." Joe begins to laugh, his laughing turning into a wheeze, his laughing stops.

"...Wait, you?" Joe looks up the thin and rather unintimidating Moxxie.

"Yeah! I can compete, can't I?" Moxxie stands at Lin's side, only for the older woman to elbow him in the side, causing Moxxie to tear up, holding his side.

Joe cuts in, "Sorry, boy, but I don't think sensitive, thespian types would last very long in the games." Moxxie crushes off the elbow jab.

"I was born here, too!" He then mimics an awful southern accent, "I have some fight in me!"

"I would also like to butt into these games!" Isaac lifts a hand, Joe doesn't laugh, simply hums at the thought.

"Well then you two, how 'bout wranglin' some hogs for Dinner?" The hog is massive, atleast, it's bigger than any type of pig Isaac had seen.

"Easy, gimme a knife!" Striker holds up his knife for Isaac, the Sinner taking the weapon and climbing atop the fence.

He pulls both his shirts off, handing them off to Blitzø, "If I'm getting muddy, I'll do it correctly!" He jumps in, the hog lifting its head, red eyes glaring at Isaac.

"C'mon little piggy!" It stands, "Of course it's bigger..." It suddenly charges at Isaac, it's tusks aimed for his legs, as it's about to hit --

Isaac jumps, taking a step off the Hogs back, and landing on his feet, "Aye, if you wanna hurt me, do it to my face!" The hog charges again, this time Isaac jumps, gripping the hogs tusk and wraps his legs around it's back.

As the hog attempts to throw Isaac off, it passes by the fence where everyone is stood, which gives Isaac the chance to snatch Strikers hat, waving it over his head wildly.

"Yee-haw! C'mon!" In the midst of the oig bucking Isaac off it's back, he let's go of the hat, jamming the knife into the back of it's neck, only for it to finally throw him off.

His back slams into the mud, knocking the breath from his lungs, his sudden realization of still being in with the hog causes him to jump up, mud coating his body.

"Ow..." Isaac grunts, watching as the Hog readies to charge, "Alright... Guess I'll just have to kick your ass some other way."

"Want me to hop in?" Striker asks from the side, teasingly.

"No! Fuck off you rip of Snake!" The hog finally charges, Isaac lowers himself, planting his feet into the mud, and as the hog makes contact with him, he plants a foot on its tusk, and grips the knife with both hands.

Wriggling the blade further into the hogs neck, he pulls the knife out before jamming it back into its neck, causing it to suddenly collapse, practically atop Isaac.

He lays there a moment, panting, Blitzø, Loona and Striker join him in the field, "That... Was fun." The three push the hog off of Isaac's leg, Loona helping him stand.

"Yeah, and now you're covered in mud." Loona flicks a but of mud off his shoulder, "Don't touch me more than just then, I'd rather not deal with the mud too."

"I killed it, they can skin it..." Isaac slowly flips himself over the fence, joking the other four Imps, "Hey, Joe, Lin - You wouldn't mind I borrow your shower, right?"

"Where'd you learn to do that?" Lin asks, looking ag his muddied body, then ag the hog.

"Oh, I... Uh, Grandma owned a farm, I just wrestled the pigs." Isaac sighs softly, "R-Really weird back story, I know."

"C'mon hun, Mil's an' I will show ya the shower." Lin leads the Sinner towards their house, Millie following close behind him.

Trying to brush some of the mud off of his back, "Ow shit!" He puts a hand to his back, "Fuck, I think I landed on something!" Millie brushes a bit of mud off of where he held.

"Maybe a rock, you've got a bit of a bruise." She pats the bruise, making him grunt quietly, trying to stop her from touching it again.

"Swear, Striker just looks suspicious." Millie walks next to him.

"C'mon, your just paranoid!" - Millie

"No, don't even, he radiates assholery!" - Isaac.

Millie lightly punches his thigh, laughing quietly, "Oh calm yer horses!" As they enter the house, in the distance, Striker glares at the Sinner, he was gonna be a problem...

And Striker could think of a way to get rid of him...

"Keep yer eyes open, Isaac."


Hello? Double publish? Let me know how it is!

Have a damn good day.

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