C.H.E.R.U.B.S - Angel Fight Pt. 3

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Accidentally published this without giving it a once over, but here you go! I hope you all enjoy this Chapter!



Blitzo chuckles and moves the light faster and faster as Lyle and the cherubs narrow their eyes in suspicion. Blitzo softly gasps as he accidentally breaks the stage light off. The woman sings a final note before the light crushes her on stage. The audience, Lyle, and the cherubs scream, while the man nervously tries to keep playing the piano.

"Oooh... Shit!" Isaac let's out a gasp, "That was, exceedingly violent... Like we shouldn't have killed her like that..."

Millie wraps her arms around Isaac's head, starting to play with his hair and tells him it'll be okay.

"Can we just shoot em?"

Opera House

"I mean, we could but-" The Angel's fly away from Lyle, confronting the Demons and Sinner. "THAT'S IT! I HAVE HAD IT! You three monsters have messed with us enough!" The Angel which looked like a baby screamed.

"D'ooh, we're just trying to do our j-j-job!" The blue goat stutters, shaking his fists at his sides glaring at the Hellions.

"Well, so are we!" Millie jumps off of Isaac's shoulders, immediately becoming the shortest of the demons standing.

"EEEENOUGH!" The Cherubs summon golden crossbows and aim them at the Demins, "We are savin' that shitty old man’s life, whether he wants it or not!"

"Well, someone wants that fucker dead! Okay? And he paid in advance, and I spent it all on this…" Blitzo holds up a green horse figure wearing jewels, sunglasses and a “mare-ajuanna” cap. "It was also Isaac's paycheck …so he’s gotta go!"

"MY PAYCHECK?!" Isaac glares at Blitzø, who simply nervously chuckles, making a single smooch sound, and voicing a sorry.

The golden lamb flies to Blitzø, floating directly in his face, "You all are such disgusting, loathsome beasts! Your kind is nothing but dirt that shitty dead people tread on! And now, you’re trying to meddle with the lives of HUMANS?!"

"So are you! So why don’t you shut your trap, you judgmental, cotton candy, tit-havin’ BITCH?!" Millie grabs hold of the Angel's collar, the Imp pulls the Angel close.

"…FILTHY DEMON CRAP!" The golden lamb lunges forward, tackling Millie.

As the Angels go after the Demons, Isaac slides down a rope and lands on the wooden stage, where he then approaches the Pianist, who was still playing.

"You wouldn't mind if I-" The Pianist stands, offering the Sinner a bow, before he quickly runs behind stage, Isaac takes a seat... Beginning to loudly and chaotically play the Piano.

Millie falls from the rafters, landing next to Isaac, who pauses a moment, "You can play the Piano?!"

"Yeah! I can also play the Violin, Guitar, Drums..." He starts listing off hundreds of instruments, but hadn't realized Millie had returned to fighting the Angels.

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