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"Isn't this amazing?" Ymir asked, kicking her feet up on the table. "There's so many hot girls-"

"And so much alcohol," Mikasa slurred, chugging some more booze from her cup. You hugged yourself awkwardly, sipping from your glass.

"Come on, Y/n," Sasha sighed, noticing your un-comfort. "Go find yourself a hot guy to hook up with."

You glanced around the room, the distant sound of Slow down by Chase Atlantic playing in the background. You eyed a boy in particular, a boy who was just your type.

His eyes were a striking shade of blue and he had shimmery black hair. He was short for a guy, but he was around the same height as you. Luckily for him, you were into that.

"Levi, huh?" Mikasa giggled, leaning forward.

You looked at her with a confused expression. "Levi... who's that?" You asked.

"A friend of a friend," she shrugged. "Go talk to him!"

You looked back over, but you nearly shriveled up in fear when you saw him walking towards you. "Sasha- can you just take me home?" You whispered, bouncing your leg in anticipation.

"Y/n," she grabbed your hand gently. "Let loose a little, have fun! I promise you'll have a good time."

You felt a large hand grab your shoulder. You turned around, your gaze meeting those familiar blue eyes. Your face flushed pink and you felt your body start to heat up.

You scooted out of the booth and walked over to him. He stared deeply into your eyes. "mon oh mon, une si jolie fille,"

You didn't understand what he had just said, but from his tone you assumed he was flirting. He bit his bottom lip and wrapped his arms around your waist, dragging you into the crowd.

He handed you a glass of booze which you, uncharacteristically, chugged. You were way too nervous and prayed that it would save you.

You grabbed his shoulders and he threw his arms around your neck. You swayed your hips with the music, looking into his lustful eyes.

"I'm Levi," he introduced.

"Y/n," you almost whispered.

"Your name is almost as pretty as you," he said, a thick accent to his voice.

You looked down, attempting to hide the smile creeping on your face. He grabbed your chin and tipped your face up so that you continued to stare into his eyes.

"Where are you from?" You asked, trying to initiate conversation.

"France," he responded. "You're American, right?"

You nodded.

"I can teach you some French sometime," he winked. "I'll be your personal tutor."

You laughed, burying your face in his shoulder.

"Ton odeur est si douce," he whispered in your ear.

"What's that mean?" You asked, pulling away.

"Ah.." he pondered. "Look it up when you get home."

He pulled you closer until your faces were only inches apart. His lips grazed against yours, but he pulled away before actually kissing you.

"I've hooked up with plenty of girls," Levi started. "But I've never been this desperate."

Your eyes widened in shock. "I've never met someone as bold as you," you pointed out.

He shrugged, a faint smirk remained on his face. You ran your hands through his soft, black hair. You leaned in subtly, but he pushed you away.

He covered your lip with his thumb. "Ah, fille désespérée, not yet." He whispered.

Adrenaline rushed through your veins. You felt his hand slip in your back pocket, dropping something. You turned around to check.

"Hey, I think your dropped something-" but when you turned around, he was gone. Inside your pocket was a piece of paper.

You unfolded it. It was his number. You rushed back over to your table.

"I got his number!" You yelled. You and Sasha were the most sober ones out of the group.

"Great, now that Y/n has a boyfriend, we can finally go home!"

Your Other half- Levi ackerman (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora