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After you two watched the sunset, Levi drove you home. You stumbled into the living room, holding into the walls for support. Sasha was sitting on the couch.

"Did you have fun?" She asked, popping another cookie in her mouth.

You nodded. "Yeah, I'm just really tired."

"Goodnight," she smiled.

You tried to walked normally to your bedroom but failed miserably.

"Why are you walking like that?" Sasha questioned, turning to look at you.

"Eh? Like what?" You played it off. She raised an eyebrow.

"I know you guys fucked," she snorted. "No need to lie."

Your face flushed red. You ran to your room and flopped on your bed. Sasha followed you.

"How was it?" She chuckled.

"Good.." you mumbled. "How did you know?"

"Come on, I wasn't born yesterday." She sarcastically rolled her eyes. "Now tell me, what was it like?"

"It was good," you sighed, rolling over on your back. "I think I really like him."

Sasha came and sat next to you on your bed. "I hope this goes well for you." She sympathized. You've only ever had one boyfriend before- Reiner.

He was toxic, controlling, a cheater, every thing you wouldn't want in a man. The relationship was overall traumatizing, but you eventually got out of it.

"I hope so too," You replied.

"If not, I'll kill that short bitch," she spat.

"Hey, hey," you giggled. "Don't worry, Sasha."

"You're the best roommate I could ever ask for," she smiled, flopping down onto your bed.

Suddenly, your phone went off. It was Levi.

"Hello amour, how did you like our date?" His text read. You thought for a moment before responding.

"I loved it. Thank you Levi." You thanked him.

Suddenly, Ymir ran into your room. Your so nearly left your body. Sasha lived with you, so it was normal for her, but Ymir? She lived in an entirely different apartment!

"Ymir!" Sasha shouted in fear.

"Sorry to burst it," she panted. "But Historia invited us to a dinner."

"Ooo~" Sasha teased. "Your girlfriend!"

Ymir shook her head. "No, not yet,"

"Sure, let's go." Sasha agreed.

"I might just stay behind-" you started. Ymir grabbed your left arm and Sasha grabbed your right. They picked you up and dragged you into the living room.

"Come on guys," you fussed. "I'm tired!"

"Yeah, Y/n had a long day," Sasha teased, emphasizing the 'o' in long.

Ymir quirked an eyebrow.

"Her and Levi," Sasha started. She began thrusting her hips back and forth, bursting out into laughter.

"Ugh, shut up!" You yelled, burying your face in your hands.

Ymir joined in on the thrusting too, her and Sasha nearly crying in laughter. You jumped up from the couch and pointed at Ymir. You began to make scissoring motions with your hands.

"You and Historia!" You laughed. Ymir stared at you blankly while Sasha fell to the floor, screaming in laughter.

Ymir couldn't hide the smile creeping up on her face.


You and Sasha sat across from Ymir and Historia.

"Why didn't you invite Mikasa?" You asked, shoving a spoonful of rice into your mouth.

"She's with Eren," Ymir raised her eyebrows up and down.

You laughed, covering your mouth so you didn't spit rice everywhere.

"Ah, so, you and Levi?" Historia asked, pointing to you. She wasn't great with English.

You nodded sheepishly.

"so ein schönes paar," she smiled.

"What's that mean?" You asked, looking back and fourth between her and Ymir. Ymir shrugged and Historia didn't answer.

"It's mean you should shut up and eat your food cause I paid a lot for this!" Sasha joked.

Your Other half- Levi ackerman (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now