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"Have you talked to Mikasa at all?" I asked Sasha, walking into the living room.

Sasha shook her head, crunching on a potato chip. "I tried to call her yesterday and she didn't answer."

My stomach fell empty. I shook the thought from my head. I figured I was just being paranoid.

"I'm going to go check on her," I sighed. "I also have a date with Levi after, so I may get home late." I smiled, giving Sasha a short hug before walking outside.

You and Sasha apologized to each other the morning after our argument. The both of you knew that you couldn't live without each other for much longer, so there was no point in holding grudges.

The taxi pulled into the parking lot and you jumped into the passenger seat laying your head against the cold window after giving the driver an address.

The ride felt longer than it usually would, and the pit in your stomach never quite went away. A bead of sweat rolled down your forehead.

The taxi lurched to a stop and you hopped out, paying the driver and waving goodbye. You walked up those familiar, creaky steps. They were more eerie and unsettling than ever.

As you approached Mikasa's apartment, your body began to tremble more viscously. You could barely even turn the door knob.

"Mikasa?" You called quietly, creeping into her house. You swallowed hard, your mouth dry as cotton.

You walked into her room, and you took quite a minute to comprehend the sight in front of you. You fell to your hands and knees as you felt the bile sliding up your throat.

Mikasa lay on the ground, covered in her own puke and blood.

You slowly crawled over to her, placing your hand on her forehead. Her skin was cold to the touch. You traveled deep into your mind, trying to figure out if this was really happening or not.

You hoisted her head onto your lap, your tears dropping onto her head. "I told you.." You cried silently. "You should've listened... oh shit.." You came to the slow, agonizing realization that you would never see her again.

She had finally found her happiness with Eren, but it didn't last long.

You felt around the floor until your hand touched your phone. You dialed 911 and informed them of the situation.

You dropped your phone on the floor, throwing your head back against her dresser. You sobbed loudly, your cries echoing through the empty apartment. Levi was right, addiction really does change people.

The police arrived and a nice police officer escorted you out. It was obvious Mikasa had overdosed, so they didn't bring you in for questioning. You watched the ambulance drive her body away, your tears splattering on the ground.

You called Levi and told him to come pick you up. He didn't ask what was wrong, he didn't question. He came straight away.

You could barley find the words to say when you got into his car. How could you bring yourself to tell him that his cousin just died?

Levi didn't bother you, he just held your hand while you sobbed. He figured he would need the help of Sasha to get you to calm down, so he brought you back home.

He held your shoulders as you stumbled through the doorway. You fell to the ground and Levi kneeled down next to you, holding your hair back as you vomited.

"Levi, Sasha, I'm so sorry.." You cried. "I could've stopped it.."

"Stopped what?" Sasha shouted, rushing to your aid. Seeing you cry so hard made her start to cry, even before she knew what happened.

"Mikasa is gone."

Levi didn't cry, he stared deep into your eyes as he took in your words. Sasha fell into a sobbing mess, screaming as she ran her hands through her hair in grief.

"It's okay, Y/N. It was no ones fault but her own." Levi reassured you.

Your Other half- Levi ackerman (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now