Tangled AU: Part 6

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A/N: Part 6 everyone. Enjoy!

Narrator's POV:
Yorak was using his arrows to climb down the tower, and glanced up at Katherine. "Are you coming, blondie?" He asked.

She cautiously looked over the edge of the tower, wondering if she really wanted to do this.

Look at the world so close
And I'm halfway to it.
Look at it all so big
Do I even dare?

She looked over her shoulder at the painting of what she now new as lanterns, and made a decision.

Look at me, there at last
I just have to do it.
Should I? No!
Here I go.

Bae Bae quickly tied some hair around herself, and shot Katherine a thumbs up. She had been waiting for this day for a long time, and today was the day! She chuckled, and tossed her hair down, Yorak watched as it passed by him, marveling at the length of it.

Katherine slid down her hair, looking around, and Yorak ducked his head down as she passed by him, and she chuckled to herself on the way down. She stopped short of something green and sharp looking, looking at it wide eyed. 'Is this grass?' She wondered to herself, as she remembered reading about grass in the books she read, and saw pictures, but never got the chance to touch it. 

Slowly, she lowered one of  her feet to the grass, surprisingly finding the grass soft, and lowered her foot down and gasped softly to herself, her eyes sparkling. She laughed as she felt the soft green grass tickling her feet.

Just smell the grass, the dirt

She splayed out on the grass, taking in the sunshine.

Just like I dreamed they'd be.

She got up, and ran, chasing some dandelions that were blown away in the breeze.

Just feel that summer breeze,
The way it's calling me.

She gasped as she felt something cold touch her feet. 'Is this water?!'

For like, the first time ever
I'm completely free!

She scooped some water up with cupped hands, and tossed it in the air, letting it fall onto her face and chuckled. A blue and yellow bird flew over to her, hovering by her face, and looked at her for a second, before flying off, and she watched it fly off.

I could go running,
And dancing, and chasing.

She ran, picking up her speed as she sang

And leaping, and bounding
Hair flying, heart pounding.

She ran through a cave, that was covered with vines, emerging on the other side. (WE'RE GOING TO THE OTHER SIDE!)

And splashing, and reeling, and finally feeling
That's when my life begins~

She looked around at all the trees, and a flock of blue birds fly into the clear, blue, sky. "I can't believe I did this!" She said, then gasped in realization. "I can't believe I did this!" She twirled around yelling again. "I can't believe I did this!" (And now ladies and gentlemen, the effects of manipulation and gaslighting.)

She calmed down once she got that out of her system, and realized something. "Mother would be so furious..."

She was now looking at a river, sitting on a rock, and contemplated what just happened. "But that's okay. What she doesn't know won't kill her, right?" She said, and Yorak was watching her slightly amused, but also frustrated.

She was now in a cave curled into a ball. What was she thinking? This was definitely a bad idea. "Oh my gosh! This would kill her!" She said as she rocked back and forth nervously.

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