#4 He saves your life Part 2

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                  ----- JOES POV. -----
    She dropped the phone and I heard an unfamiliar voice in the background. Thats when I started to really get nervous.

I didn't know what to do. I was stuck in traffic. I need to call the police. I hung up and dialed 999, and I immediately hear a womans voice.

"Hello you have dialled 999 emergency, are you in need of assisstance?"

"Yes, my name is Joe Sugg. My girlfriend was at the store earlier and an older man stalked her home and broke in. I could hear him tell her to drop the phone, and now I can't get ahold of her."

The woman seemed to be so calm.

"Okay Joe I need to ask you a few questions about your girlfriend. What was her name?"

"Y/F/N. We live together at *says your address*"

She continued to ask me questions, then told me she will get people over there asap. I thanked her and hung up.

I am so scared. The last thing I want is Y/N getting hurt. She is the love of my life. If I see this man, I will beat the living shit out of him. No one touches my girl.

             ------- YOUR POV. --------

"Please don't hurt me. I will give you anything you need. Money, clothes, anything."

I started to inch further away from him, but he ran up to me and aggresively pushed me up against the counter.

He ran his disgusting fingers through my hair and set his face on the side of mine, talking into my ear.

"I don't want money, clothes... any of that. I just want you."

His raspy voice sent shivers down my spine. I didn't know what to do.

I jerked my head away, far enough to look him in the eyes.

"Over my dead body, you asshole."

He let out a fit of laughter and continued to speak.

"Well okay then. Let the games begin."

He took his gun and hit me acrossed the face, knocking me out cold.

      -------------- JOES POV. --------------

I finally made my way out of traffic and onto the road, speeding to get to our flat. It was about a 10 minute drive from where I was from.

       -------------- YOUR POV. --------------

I woke up, my vision slightly blurry. I had been tied to a chair in our unfinished basement.

My head ached horribly. I looked to the floor to see a small pile of blood building. I could see in the corner of my eye blood dripping from the side of my head.

I started to get really bad anxiety. I could barely breath. 'I'm going to die,' is all I could think. I couldn't calm down.

I started to freak out, shaking to get out of the grip of the rope. Thats when he walked in.

"You aren't going to get away from me you know?"

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME," you screamed in anger and frustration.

He slowly walked over and kneeled in front of me.

"You see Y/N? I have been watching you for weeks. I watch you when you go to sleep. I watch you go to the store and when go out with your girl friends. I have watched you long enough to know that you change at least three times in the mirror before deciding what you actually want. I know you, Y/N.

I watch you when you wake up with that disgusting guy you call your 'boyfriend'. He is just using you for your beautiful figure. He's going to break your heart. Break it to a million little pieces."

I became extremely quiet when I noticed Joe quietly walking down the stairs, towards the back of the man.  He came. He was motioning for me to be quiet. He had a shovel in his hand. I looked back at the ugly man as he continued to speak.

"He's not worth your time Y/N. Does he tell you he loves you every moment of every day. Does he run his fingers through your beautiful curly brown hair? I CAN Y/N. I CAN GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU WANT! I CA-"


Joe hit the man as hard as he could with the shovel and he thumped to the ground.

"JOSEPH," He ran to you, kissed you on the lips and began to untie you.

"Y/N, I am so sorry babe. I should have never left the flat to go to that meeting. I am such an idiot. I am so sorry this ass did this to you."

He untied you and you leaped up and jumped into his arms.

"Babe, this is not your fault. You had no idea this was going on! Neither of us did! This is not your fault."

You both began to sob into each others arms.

"I love you so much Y/N. I will never let anyone hurt you again."

Your eyes shifted over to the body that was on the ground. You noticed his hand twitching and then he leaped up in the air.

You let go of Joe and yell at the top of your lungs.


Joe jerks around and the man attacks him to the floor. They immediately start punching each other.

You shuffle away from them, not knowing what to do.

Joe hits him and the gun in the mans hand flies to accross the room.

You all burst towards the gun. Running behind the man, he turns around and hits you accross the face so he can get there first.

Joe and the man dive towards the gun, but the man got there first.

Joe shuffles on the ground back towards you. He takes you into his arms, comforting you.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry," he whispers.

"I'm fine."

The man stands, pointing the gun at you and Joe. He chuckles and begins to talk, half out of breath.

You and Joe sit together in fear. 'It's all over,' you thought. But you can hear police sirens in the distance, getting louder. Moments later, you hear a loud crash.

"HAHAHA! You two are pathetic. I thought we could really be together Y/N, but YOUR LOVER RUINED IT FOR US. But oh well... I am better off without you. Guess you two have to die together."

The man puts his finger on the trigger, ready to shoot until the police burst into the basement. They surround the man. You and Joe run upstairs, getting out of the scene.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP," You could hear in the basement.

More police begin to file into the house. They took the man under arrest and for hours you and Joe sat answering questions about everything that happened.

     ------- LATER THAT NIGHT --------

You and Joe ended up sleeping at a hotel that night so you could get away from your house.

The rest of the night you cuddled in bed and Joe kept whispering in your ear how much he loves you and will never let anything happen to you again.

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