#6 He Stands up For You

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You stretched out your arm and slammed your alarm clock on your besdide table.

It's Monday. Another fresh week of hell, or as everyone else calls it, school.

You recently had been moved to the UK with your family because of your dads job. You hadnt been happy about it. You left all you had ever known behind. Your friends, school, everything.

The UK is beautiful. But school just ruins it all. Ever since you started at your new school, you have been getting bullied and harassed by a group of girls.

You didnt tell your parents, you didnt want them to go through the mess of moving you to another school. It was all too much for them to handle at the moment with everything else going on.

You got ready and your mom dropped you off.

Keep in mind this school required uniforms. Your last school was public, so you didnt have to dress up. That was another thing that sucked about it.

You had managed to dodge your school bullies period 1 and 2. But you all had lunch at the same time, which made it hard. You had no one to sit with. That was when they hit on you most.

And lunch was now.

You went to your locker to get your lunch and then went to go the restroom to wash your hands.

On your way out turning the corner into the hall, you run into a girl smelling strongly of perfume.

"Hey bitch watch where you are goi- oh hey Y/N. You look even more ugly than usual."

You hesitantly look up to see your school bully, Lexie and her small group. The hall was completely empty as usual because everyone is always in the cafeteria. That gave them the perfect opportunity to be rude to you. Greaatt.

"Leave me alone Lexi, I am not in the mood today."

You try to push past her, but trip over her foot and fall smack on the ground dropping your lunch bag.

"Oops my bad. Y/N what kind of lunch did your mum pack you today, eh?"

They all begin to giggle at you and Lexie reaches down and pulls out your lunch bag. She reaches in and pulls out your drink. She opens it and begins to dump it on you.

There just felt like nothing you could do but sit and take it whilr they laughed at you until..

"Hey! What are you doing to her? Stop it!"

A boy who seemed to be in your grade yelled and ran up to you, pushing the girls away.

"And who are you," Lexie hissed at the boy.

"Does it matter? Get the hell out of here before I call someone to get you."

"PFT, whatever. Let's go girls."

The girls disappeared and the boy helped you up. You bpth make eye contact and he begins to talk.

"Are you okay? Those girls are no good. I have seen them before causing trouble."

You wiped a tear from your cheek and spoke up.

"Y-yeah i'm fime. It happens to me all the time."

Concern filled his eyes and he continued.

"No one deserves to be treated like that. Especially someone as pretty as you," he said with a shy crooked smile.

You felt blood begin to flush your cheeks. No one has ever called you pretty of the opposite sex.. so this was out of the blue. You let out a small smile and looked back up at him again.

"Thank you for standing up for me."

The boy nodded his head in return.

"Of course," he reached out his hand for you to shake.

"Joe Sugg."


"Pretty name. It's nice to meet you Y/N."

You smiled. "You too."

And for the rest of that year you werent bullied at all. You and Joe became the best of friends, and that summer, even more than friends.

Maybe moving to the UK wasn't so bad after all. ;D

**** AUTHORS NOTE!! ****

HEY EVERYONE!! Sorry I keep coming back and disappearing off and on!

I am in the middle of moving myself with my family! So I havent had much time! Its stressful moving, I tell ya!

I hope you all understand! I am putting in as much effort as I possibly can!

I hope you enjoyed this Imagine as well! If you alp have any ideas for Imagines, please comment them down below! I am stuggling with ideas!

Love you all loads! I appreaciate all of your support!

-ASH xoxo

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