#5 He writes you a note in class

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This year you were a Sophmore in High School and so far.. it has been pretty shitty.

It is only your second week in school this year, and you had the whole year to look forward to. 'YAY'. Jk.

The bell rang for 4th period, the last class of the day. Biology. You have been at a pretty great table of people so far this year. You have all been getting on quite well.

But lately you noticed the exchange student the table diagonal from you has been staring at you since the first day of school. Joe Sugg.

It wasn't a bad thing though. He was pretty good looking himself.

Halfway through the period your partner in front of you kicked your foot. Once he got your attention, he signaled to look under your desk.

He reached his hand out to you and passed you the note.

Y/N, was on the front.

'Huh,' you thought.

You quietly opened it and began to read, looking up every few seconds at the teacher so you didnt get caught.

"Y/N, pretty childish of me to do this, especially through a note, but I wanted to let you know I think you are quite beautiful. Let's talk sometime? Joe S."

A grin began to form on your face until you heard a slap on your desk. You looked up and it was your teacher. Guess you didn't look up enough..

"Passing notes Y/N?"

Everyone immediately looked at you and began to chukle.

"I-I didn't write i-" you studdered.

"Let me see it," your teacher took the note and wasn't pleased with what it said.

He looked up at you, then Joe.

"Y/N, Joe.. detention after class."

Everyone was still staring, making your face even more red. You looked over at Joe to see him looking at you, a smirk on his face.

'Well detention should be fun,' You thought.

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