Chapter 3

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"Thank you for coming in!" Hu Tao waved as the customers left. As soon as they had left, she sighed, draping herself over the counter. "So many people are looking but not buying today." She complained, looking up at Zhongli where he was packaging some online orders.

"It's a week day, it's no surprise. We will get some purchases later I'm sure." Zhongli said, setting the bouquet in the refrigerator in a vase to keep it fresh.

"Yeah, I know. Still just a little boring, you know? I like when people come in. Hey, maybe we can advertise more? We can start going door to door to get people to come in." Hu Tao grinned.

"We can't force people to buy from us. The ad you set up is still running in the paper." Zhongli reminded her.

"No one but you reads the paper, Gramps." Hu Tao huffed, shaking her head.

"That's hardly true. If people didn't read it, it wouldn't still be running." Zhongli said, glancing over at her.

"We are reaching the wrong target market though. I've been learning about this in my classes and if we want to bring in more people, we need to talk to the right audience. Younger couples, people early in their relationships, people who got their asses in the dog house, Hey are you listening to me?" Hu Tao frowned.

While Hu Tao was talking, a new online order had come in. Zhongli was staring in shock at the order, confusing Hu Tao. The order had a clearly fake name on it, ordering seven bouquets of Glaze Lilies. At the bottom of the note it simply read, 'Thanks for the save the other day. Take a Bouquet for you and your boys and one for your sister. I'll be there later for the others.'

"What's so impressive about the order you've got there?" Hu Tao asked, walking over to Zhongli.

"Someone ordered seven bouquets of Glaze Lilies." Zhongli said, passing the slip to her.

"Wait, is this the guy you were telling me about? Impressive. Seems like you have yourself an admirer." Hu Tao grinned, passing the slip back.

"We saved his life, it's no surprise he would want to show some thanks." Zhongli frowned. "Shouldn't you be going? You have class in an hour." Zhongli reminded her, not bothering to look at the clock.

Zhongli walked off to gather the Glaze Lilies, letting Hu Tao scramble to grab her things before running out the door to get to class on time. Though Hu Tao could be a bit eccentric at times, she was a huge help during the week. He was able to get a lot of the other behind the counter things done, and spend time with his boys when she was there. She was a sweet girl and a huge help in the shop.

Zhongli pulled the Glaze Lilies needed for the bouquets along with a few other flowers, setting up a similar and slightly more personal bouquets this time. As he finished each one, Zhongli set them in the refrigerator in their vases to keep them fresh. He labeled the vases with Childe's name, knowing full well that they were actually his. When he was done, he tidied up the packaging area, straightening the counter. Xiao let out a soft cry from his carrier, rubbing at his sleepy eyes. It only took a minute for him to fully wake up and start crying.

Zhongli took a few minutes to tend to his baby son, changing his diaper and feeding him. He checked on both Gorou and Venti as well who were both still settled down for their nap and sleeping soundly. Zhongli smiled, closing the door again before returning to the front.

He helped a few customers as the came in, finally making a few sales. The sky was dark as he stood to close up, he flipped the open light off, closing the blinds on the windows. Before he locked up though, a well dressed man entered the store.

"I was wondering if you would really show. Most people don't order seven bouquets." Zhongli hummed, glancing over at Childe.

"Sorry I couldn't come earlier. I wanted to make sure I wasn't being followed. I've been keeping an eye on the place, no one seems to know I came here." Childe explained as he made his way to the counter.

"Is that so? Seems you've now gone from a wounded stranger bleeding out on my counter to a stalker." Zhongli said.

"Hey, don't be like that. I had to make up for endangering you and your kids." Childe sighed, leaning against the counter.

"I do appreciate that." Zhongli sighed. "I would appreciate you not showing up bleeding at my store again though. You terrified my boys and you scared me too."

"Oh? You care that much about me~" Childe smirked, running his fingers over Zhongli's hand.

"You stumble into my store, shot and bleeding out. I had no idea if you were going to die on my counter and whoever tried to kill you clearly had you scared. Yes I was scared. I'm a single father who is making enough to keep my apartment and feed my boys. I can't afford you closing my store because you died on my counter " Zhongli rolled his eyes.

"Sounds like you were worried about me." Childe hummed, leaning in closer to Zhongli.

"Believe what you want Childe, I don't know you though." Zhongli hummed, only inches away from Childe. His orange red hair was far softer up close and Zhongli couldn't help but think about the idea of his fingers tangled in those fluffy locks. Childe's blue eyes, so empty and yet hungry as he stared at Zhongli, a playful smirk pulling at his soft lips.

"I may believe it, if the flushed cheeks didn't give you away." Childe smirked, playing with Zhongli's ponytail.

"You're in my personal space at the moment." Zhongli answered, knocking Childe's hand away as he moved to grab the two bouquets Childe was taking with him. "So, who is the extra bouquet for?" Zhongli asked with a hum, laying them on the counter. "Also it's forty nine thousand Mora for the bouquets."

"No one really, since we know my boss doesn't like them." Childe shrugged, pulling out his wallet. He set the Mora on the counter with a soft hum. "I'll see you around. Don't think this is the last of me." Childe grinned, winking at Zhongli.

"As long as you don't stumble in here bleeding out again we won't have a problem." Zhongli hummed, collecting the Mora, depositing it into the register.

"I'll do my best." Childe grinned, giving a wave as he left the store.

Zhongli sighed, shaking his head. He had no idea who this man was and he wanted nothing to do with his problems, but something about him intrigued Zhongli. He couldn't get Childe out of his mind as he finally locked up, closing down his shop. Xiao cooed softly in his pouch, his little hand clinging onto his father's shirt. Zhongli made his way into the backroom where his other two boys were cleaning up. He helped them finish tidying, putting all their toys away before the family finally left, heading home for the evening with a ton of bouquets of Glaze Lilies.

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