Chapter 11

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Zhongli glanced into the rear view mirror, watching his three boys sleep soundly in the back. They had been driving for almost an hour and still had a half hour until they reached Barbados's house in the Neutral area. Each of the Archons had their own home there where their families would be able to stay with them, but Zhongli had always taken extra care to be sure his family wasn't caught up in this second life. He lived with his family as Zhongli and ruled Liyue City as Morax. He had planned to bring the two lives together when his boys were older, but he had never had that chance. Of course, now here he was heading back to stay with Barbados in the Neutral Area. 

Zhongli sighed, placing a hand against his chest, gripping the chain with his late wife's ring. "Am I making the right choice, my love?" Zhongli asked quietly, though he knew that he wouldn't get the answer he wanted. After all, his wife had been dead for a few months now. 

Zhongli shook his head, letting go of the ring as he took the wheel with both hands again. Right now, he just had to get to Barbados's place and from there he could figure out what the next step was.

"Papa? We almost there?" Venti's sleepy voice asked from the back. 

"Not yet baby, just a little more driving to go." Zhongli promised.

"Why we going to live with unca barba?" Venti asked, curling into his car seat, trying to get comfortable. 

"It wasn't safe for us to stay at our apartment right now so we are going to stay with Uncle Barbados until it's cleared." Zhongli answered with a soft smile. "I'm sure it won't be for long, Little Bird." Zhongli promised.

"I like Unca Barba. He is funny when he drinks his spicy juice." Venti giggled. 

Zhongli couldn't help but chuckle as well. "He certainly can be." Zhongli agreed. "Go back to sleep Little Bird, I'll wake you when we get there."

"Okee." Venti mumbled and in seconds he was fast asleep again, worn out from all the excitement. 

Zhongli sighed, continuing on down the road. It was thirty more minutes before Zhongli finally pulled up in front of Barbados's home. Lights were on in nearly every room but it made it easier to find at the very least. He parked, turning off the car. He climbed out, moving around to the back, opening the door. 

He carefully removed Xiao from his carrier, putting him into his pouch. He then moved to his other two boys, carefully taking them both out of their car seats. He held the two boys in. His arms, carrying them to the door. It opened just before they arrived and they were greeted by a young man. 

"You must be Morax, Barbados mentioned you were coming." He said, stepping back. 

"You can call me Zhongli." Zhongli nodded as he entered. "You must be Alatus. Barbados has told me much about you." Zhongli smiled at him. 

"Ah, yes, I am. Barbados had a room prepared for you and the boys." Alatus said. "Let me show you where. The butlers can grab your bags." Alatus said as he walked off, followed closely by Zhongli and his sleeping boys. 

Alatus showed him to a large bedroom, decorated in a standard Liyue style. There was a door off to the side with two beds and a little crib, decorated similarly to Zhongli’s room but filled with different toys for all the boys. Zhongli carried his boys over, laying them down in each of their beds, tucking Gorou and Venti in. He kissed both their heads before moving back over to Altus. 

"Where is Barbados at? I would have expected him to greet us." Zhongli asked with a hum. 

"Ah, he is drunk again." Alatus admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "He almost made it, but you took longer than he expected so he decided to break into the wine ahead of time. He is sleeping now. You should get some rest as well, it's late. Barbados will be up in the morning, you'll be able to talk to him then." Alatus said as he left Zhongli and his boys. 

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