Chapter 16

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Childe paced anxiously back and forth in the empty waiting room. Finally, the door opened as Albedo stepped out of his office.
"After running the finger through every database possible, there are no matches to the finger quite as strong as Morax's. The finger is definitely his. His pinky finger on his right hand was the one that matched." Albedo explained. "Unfortunately with the size of the ring, it's impossible to pull any prints off of. I'll remind you, I'm not a forensic scientist and while I don't mind this, it should really be brought to the Millileth. After all, it's their Archon." Albedo said as he passed the neatly wrapped finger back.
"No. I don't doubt the Millileth, but I'm doing this through people I know I can trust." Childe said as he pocketed the ring.
"You seem to already know what's going on." Albedo stated.
"Not entirely, but I have my suspicions." Childe sighed. "I can't make any claims without proof. I may know what's happening but Barbados needs proof without a doubt of my claims. Barbados trusts his people so you are the best people to have look into this." Childe explained. Albedo nodded. 
"If this is what Barbados believes is the best course of action then who am I to say no." Albedo said as he took the finger back.  "However, I need everything you have." Albedo said as he walked back into his lab, letting Childe follow after him.
"I gave you everything you need." Childe answered as Albedo turned back around with an unamused look.
"Childe if you want the Knights to help, you need to give me everything you have." Albedo said again. Childe sighed, pulling the note out of his pocket and passed it to Albedo.
"This was with the ring and the finger. They want me back, that's why they took him. That's what the note means." Childe explained.
Albedo examined the note a moment before moving back inside his office. Childe followed him in but Albedo didn't even take the time to register he had followed him in.
"Don't take it too personally. He doesn't notice when I'm here either." Kaeya said as he entered. Diluc held on tight to his brother’s hand but when he saw Albedo he moved over to him, grabbing onto his lab coat. Albedo didn't even flinch at the pulling on his lab coat as he continued.
"What are you doing here, Cavalry Captain?" Childe asked with a smirk.
"Just dropping off Diluc. Now that Zhongli is back to his politics, he isn't able to watch him anymore so Albedo was happy to let him stay in his lab. Di usually just sits and colors but he loves being here with Albedo." Kaeya smiled as he watched his little brother and Albedo. "Of course Albedo also has a habit of forgetting to bring his lunch, and eat it, so I'm dropping his lunch off now and I'm coming back later to eat with him." Kaeya chuckled.
"Like a good househusband." Childe smirked, Kaeya pushed his shoulder in response.
"Anyways, the better question is why are you here?" Kaeya asked.
"Barbados has the Knights helping me search for Zhongli. Whoever took him, and I believe I know who, left a finger and his late wife's ring at the door last night. Albedo was examining them for me." Childe explained.
"And the note he is examining now?" Kaeya asked.
"A note from the kidnappers, it said I would know where to find him." Childe explained.
"I'm searching to see if I can find a match on who wrote it, but I'm not turning up with anything yet. Seems whoever wrote it took the time to write in a completely different style that doesn't quite match anyone's." Albedo explained as he turned around. "Ah, hello Kaeya, I didn't realize you came in." Albedo smiled as he said that. Diluc pulled on his jacket, catching his attention. "And hello to you too Diluc."
"I was just dropping off Di and you forgot your lunch again so I brought it for you." Kaeya said as he moved over to Albedo, kissing his temple before setting the bag among his notes. "I'll be back later to make sure you remember to eat it."
"You know I don't need you to take care of me. I'm not a child." Albedo reminded him, moving the lunch off his notes before returning to his work.
"Just leave your number, he will call you if he finds anything. He works best without interruptions." Kaeya said with a wave to Childe as he left.
Childe scribbled down his number with a note to call him if he found anything before leaving Albedo's office. He moved to the elevator, pressing the down button so he could head out. He wanted to scope out a few of the areas that could possible be where Zhongli was being kept. His phone rang in his pocket as the elevator door opened and he stepped in.
"Hello this is Childe." He answered. Surely Albedo hadn't found anything that quickly.
"Perfect, the number Barbados gave me works. Hello Childe, this is Acting Grand Master Jean. Are you still in the Knights Headquarters?" A female voice asked, apparently Jean.
"I am yeah. I just finished giving everything to Albedo and I was about to leave." Childe answered. He wasn't expecting a call from Jean, nor had he expected Barbados to give her his number.
"Can you come to my office first? My office is on the first floor. I have something for you to see." Jean explained.
"Yeah, sure. I was heading down anyway." Child said as he pressed the button for the ground floor and the elevator began to move.
He hung up the phone, sticking it in his pocket as his foot tapped along to the not so exciting elevator music. If he had been tired, it may have put him to sleep. After a minute, the elevator came to a stop and the door slid open. He followed the signs to Jean's office, knocking on the door when he finally found it. A quiet "come in," came from the other side. Childe opened the door, stepping inside. Jean was seated at her desk, talking with a woman dressed mostly in purples. Her hair hung over her shoulder and she looked far too comfortable with Jean, but she didn't seem to mind, or possibly even notice.
The two both turned as Childe entered and Jean's friend looked far too disappointed by his untimely arrival. She sighed, pulling away from Jean. "Seems that's my que to leave. Let me know if you need anything." The woman gave a wave to Jean before leaving past Childe. She paid the former Harbinger no mind as she left.
"You said you found something?" Childe asked as he walked over to Jean.
"Yes. I've contacted Barbados as well since he is in charge of the search for Liyue’s Archon. I'll show you both what I found when he arrives so I don't have to explain it twice." Jean answered, sifting through some papers.
She was still assigned to desk work after the attack that had put her and Kaeya in the hospital and she wasn't particularly glad about having to work with Childe again but it was Barbados’s orders and she was only Acting Grand Master for the knights. As the words left her mouth however, the door opened again and Barbados strode in. He moved over to the desk, leaning against it.
"You found something on Morax's disappearance?" Barbados asked almost immediately.
"I have." She nodded, turning her computer around to show the camera footage.
The video started playing. It was grainy and there was no sound but you could see Zhongli as he made his way towards the exit. He was stopped by a small woman. It was hard to see who it was but Childe seemed to tense when he saw her. They could see Zhongli turn back, heading to the elevator. You could see him pulling out his phone to call someone which Childe knew was him because Zhongli had made a comment about how long the wait for the elevator had been. After a minute or two of talking, there was a single explosion behind Zhongli, knocking him into the Elevator. His phone skittered away from him and Childe remembered that very distinctly, calling and calling for Zhongli before the line finally went dead. A man stepped forward, moving over to Zhongli quickly, a man they all knew well. Dainslaif, head of the Khaenri'an mob. He picked up Zhongli, carrying him out of the line of sight of the camera. After a few minutes passed however, the rest of the explosions followed that had destroyed the capital building of the Liyue Archon, knocking out the camera.
Both Barbados and Childe were quiet as Jean turned the computer away from them, turning off the footage. She glanced back over at the two men. Barbados was straight faced, lost in thought about what he saw. Childe was visibly upset however.
"I thought it best you both see that. The Milleleth sent this over at my request. I don't believe they watched it." Jean explained.
"I know who that was." Childe muttered under his breath.
"We all know Dainslaif, that's not-"
"Not Dainslaif." Childe cut off Barbados. "The woman who stopped Zhongli when he was leaving. That's the Knave, member of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers." Childe explained.
"Are you certain about this Childe? You know the repercussions of bringing these claims without complete certainty." Barbados reminded him firmly.
"I'm certain. That's The Knave. I have no doubt in my mind." Childe stated, his tone set. He knew exactly who this was and where to find Zhongli. "I have to go." Childe said, turning away.
"Wait, where are you going?" Barbados turned quickly to follow.
"To get Zhongli back. The Knave has an Orphanage that they run. The kids there are raised to eventually join the Fatui. If she has him, that's where they are keeping Zhongli." Childe answered as he left Jean's office with Barbados following.
"Childe I know you're eager to get him back, but I don't have nearly enough to accuse the Tsaritsa with. We need more." Barbados insisted.
"Then I'll free Zhongli. He can identify the person who took him. If the Knave is involved, then we can take her in. She has little loyalty to the Tsaritsa. She will turn on her." Childe said, turning back to Barbados.
"If you're wrong about this and it backfires-"
"Then I'll take the fall. I went off the rails and acted on my own. Knowing that the Tsaritsa was targeting me I let that get the best of me thinking she would target Zhongli to get to me." Childe answered before Barbados finished his question. "Throw me under the bus. Do whatever you need to do to protect yourself, your people, and those kids."
"You know I will." Barbados sighed, shaking his head. "Bring Morax back, okay?" Barbados told him, watching Childe closely.
"I will." Childe nodded before leaving Barbados, heading back out to his car to find Zhongli.

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