Chapter 8

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Zhongli shifted, his back sore as he sat up, remembering how he had fallen asleep on the floor with the boys. Laughter filtered in from the kitchen along with the smell of something sweet. Zhongli rubbed his eyes, cracking them open as he looked around. His three boys were gone, as was Childe. He stood, moving into the kitchen where he found Venti and Gorou sitting at the table, laughing as Childe cooked. Xiao was in his basket, watching into the living room as he drank a bottle. He babbled into his bottle when Zhongli moved into the kitchen, reaching for his papa.

"Morning babies." Zhongli said softly, his voice still sleepy as he moved to his boys, kissing both Venti and Gorou's head.

"Papa! Mister Childe is making us cimanim!" Venti beamed up at his father.

"That would be Cinnamon Rolls." Childe grinned as he cared over a roll for each of the boys, setting their plates in front of them. Both boy's rolls were covered in icing.

"What do you boys say to Mister Childe, huh?" Zhongli asked with a small smile.

"Tank you Mister Childe!" Venti grinned at him before digging into his cinnamon roll.

"Tank!" Gorou echoed his brother, quickly following suit and eating his cinnamon roll.

"Thank you for making breakfast Childe. You're my guess though, I should have been the one cooking for you." Zhongli said moving over to Xiao, lifting his baby into his arms.

"Nonsense, we are friends and you let me spend the night at your place." Childe grinned. "There is some here for you too." Childe said as he held up a plate with two more on it for Zhongli.

"You even made Xiao a bottle?" Zhongli asked as he moved over to Childe, taking his plate.

"I had a son, remember?" Childe asked as he and Zhongli both sat down.

"Of course, but you gave him up for adoption." Zhongli nodded, helping Xiao drink his bottle.

"I did, but I had him for a few months before I finally gave him up. I know well how to care for an infant on my own." Childe hummed, picking at his cinnamon rolls as he watched Gorou dig into his.

"Well, thank you." Zhongli nodded.

"You bet. Whenever you need a hand, let me know, I'll be there." Childe promised, quickly finishing off his cinnamon rolls. "I do have to head out though, gotta head to work. The bank can't run itself." Childe said with a wink as he stood. "I'll see you around, yeah?"

"I'll be expecting you in the shop." Zhongli chuckled, shaking his head.

Childe left and Zhongli and his boys finished eating. Zhongli laid Xiao back in his basket before heading into his room. He showered and cleaned up, preparing for the day of work before helping Gorou and Venti both get cleaned up and changed. Venti and Gorou packed up their toys as Zhongli got Xiao again, buckling him into his pouch as he grabbed his stuff. The boys were ushered out of the apartment, heading to the Garage where they all climbed into Zhongli's car. Zhongli helped the all buckle up, securing Xiao into his car seat before heading off to work.

Kaeya and Diluc were already waiting at the door when Zhongli arrived. Diluc was watching inside the door, keeping an eye on the flowers while Kaeya paced in front of him. Relief washed over Kaeya's face when he saw Zhongli walking up with his boys, fumbling in his bag as he tried to find his key with one hand.

"About time. You're running late today." Kaeya called. "I don't think you've ever been late." Kaeya added as Zhongli unlocked the door.

"I apologize for that. A friend and I went to dinner last night and it was late so I let him stay the night." Zhongli explained, smiling as Diluc ran into the store, smiling as he went over to some of the lamp grass.

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