Chapter 9

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Zhongli knocked gently on the door, waiting to be let in. A come in came from inside the room and Zhongli opened the door, stepping into the small hospital room. Kaeya was sitting up in bed, eating a small bowl of something from the cafeteria. Diluc was sitting next to him, drawing in a little sketchbook. Albedo was sitting by the window, reading to Klee.

"Hey Zhongli, finally come to see me." Kaeya chuckled, setting the bowl on the bedside table.

"Of course. Apologies for not coming sooner, it's hard with the boys. Ayato is watching them now though, so I have some time." Zhongli explained as he moved to sit with Kaeya. "I brought some flowers as well, with my get well soon wishes." Zhongli said as he set the vase down.

"Thanks for the flowers, and for watching Diluc that day. I'm glad knowing he was safe." Kaeya said, petting Diluc's head.

"What happened out there?" Zhongli asked.

"We were surprised. I was meeting with my contact and it was going well, but we were ambushed. It was calculated, they knew what they were after." Kaeya explained watching Diluc subconsciously nuzzle closer to him.

"I was told you were attacked by the Khaenri'ah group." Zhongli said quietly. "Childe came to see me that night and explained what had happened." Zhongli then explained.

"Yes, it was the Khaenri'ah group, led by Dainslaif. I wasn't aware that anyone from the group even survived." Kaeya said, his gaze on his brother.

"You and I both know that isn't true." Zhongli hummed.

"So you know, huh?" Kaeya said quietly.

"Just as you know who I really am." Zhongli nodded. "You're smarter than I gave you credit for though. I'm not surprised you figured out who I am, just surprised it was so quick." Zhongli chuckled.

"You didn't exactly change your appearance." Kaeya reminded him.

"Ah, I suppose that is true. With the boys so young, I didn't want to confuse them." Zhongli shrugged. "You and your brother, you're the princes from Khaenri'ah. Albedo is a survivor too, isn't he?"

"Yes, he is. He was an apprentice to our alchemist at the time. I thought we were the only survivors, but I was wrong. Dainslaif was the one who trained me as a child. His sworn duty was to protect us. Your boyfriend, Childe, was in the army, one of our best warriors. Seems the Tsaritsa took him in after Khaenri'ah was destroyed." Kaeya explained

"He is?" Zhongli asked, surprised by Kaeya's words.

"He is, yes." Kaeya nodded. "I expected you to know that, after all, you are Morax, the one who led the council of Archons as you were the one on the council the longest. You were the one who led the attack on Khaenri'ah." Kaeya hummed.

"That was many years ago. Many people died at my hand, but I do remember one soldier." Zhongli chuckled. "He was the only one who actually managed to hit me. I never put it together until now."

"Childe survived the attack I'm assuming, you said he what had happened?" Kaeya asked.

"Yes. He left Liyue though. The Tsaritsa is after him for being a traitor." Zhongli explained.

"The Tsaritsa has her people everywhere, there is nowhere he can go to hide from her." Kaeya shook his head.

"It's that or face certain death. I don't blame him for running." Zhongli said as he stood. "I should be getting back to the boys now. I'm glad to see you doing better." Zhongli said as he stood.

"It may be a bit until you have to watch Diluc again. I've been ordered to rest for the next couple weeks." Kaeya chuckled, smiling at his brother when Diluc grinned up at him.

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