Chapter 1

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It's one of those rare occasions we're not off somewhere working a case so the team decided to take advantage of it.

"Spence, you want to come dance?" I yell to him from the dance floor. "No, I don't really like dancing." He responds. JJ's dancing with Will. Penelope's with Kevin. Morgan's dancing with a few girls, and Rossi won't dance to this music.

"You can join us." Derek says and I look over at all the girls dancing on him. I chuckle shaking my head. "Looks like you got your hands full." I tell him.

"Rossi?" I smile in the direction of the table, batting my eyelashes. "Nice try sweetheart." He says and I huff as I feel a set of hands land on my waist. It startles me and I look over my shoulder seeing Hotch. I feel my heart rate pick up as a lump forms in my throat. "Mind if I dance with you?" He asks with his signature smirk which makes me weak in the knees. "N-No." I squeak. I mentally roll my eyes, praying he didn't notice the change in my voice. What is the hold this man has on me?

"I'll be right back." I tell him walking over to the table where Reid sits with Rossi. "How's it going?" Rossi asks. "I need some liquid courage. What're you drinking?" I ask Spencer. "Um a glass of wine." He says. "I thought it was just a little crush..." Rossi mocks an earlier statement I made. "What about you?" I ask Rossi. "Whiskey." He says holding the glass out to me and I down it. "Damn, that burns." I say. "Your dates coming over." Rossi says and I turn around as Hotch walks over. "I-I...No excuses, do you want to dance with me?" He interrupts and asks. "Yes." I state. He holds his hand out to me. I take it as I feel my cheeks heat up.

He leads me back to the dance floor and spins me around. I laugh as my back hits his chest. His hands move back to my waist, pulling my bottom half against him. "Is this okay?" He asks and I nod as he begins swaying to the music. I take his hands in mine, folding them over my stomach as he leans down to where his chin is on my shoulder. "I see the way you look at me." He whispers in my ear and I freeze. "W-What?" I ask making sure I heard him correctly. "The way you study me during briefings, you get flustered every time I'm around you." He says. Then it hits me. "The only way you would know that was if you were studying me too." I respond and he smirks. "The things I'd do to you if you were mine." He states in his deep, gruff voice. I bite my lip at his statement before speaking "Then make me yours." I say with confidence. His eyes darken and he licks his lips.

"I have an excuse, let's go." He says quickly grabbing my hand. Fuck he's hot! "Where are we going?" I ask him. "My apartment." He tells me.

We walk over to Rossi and Spencer pretending to yawn. "Tired?" Spencer asks and I nod. "I think she's hitting that wall." Hotch says. "She spent all day doing paperwork and helping JJ sort through cases." Rossi explains. "That's not part of your job." Reid tells me. "Can you take my car back to the apartment? Hotch is going to give me a ride." I say rubbing my eyes for good measure. "Yeah of course." He says and I hand him the keys. "I will see you Monday." I tell Rossi. "Looking forward to it." He responds before Hotch leads me to the exit.

We make our way out to the parking lot and he stops pulling me back against him. I look up at him and he leans down kissing me.

He wraps his arms around my waist. The kiss is interrupted by my phone going off. "Hold on." I say stopping in my tracks.

I grab my phone out of my purse as the name Lacey flashes across the screen.

"Hey Lace, what's going on?" I ask her and hear something crash in the background.
"Laurie...LAURIE! He's in my house." She says and I feel my stomach drop as I pull out of Hotch's grasp.
"Lacey who's in your house?" I ask confused. There's a loud thud before a softer one.
"Lace? LACEY! Answer me dammit!" I snap as I hear a bell and look up seeing JJ walking out of the bar with a phone pressed to her ear. I feel my heart pounding as my mind races.
"Hello Lauren. Long time, no communication. She hardly ever thought of him. He had worn a place for himself in some corner of her heart, as a sea shell, always boring against the rock, might do. Until we meet again my love." A male voice says hanging up.

"Lauren, what the hell was that?" Hotch asks me concerned. I stumble over my words, not knowing what to say. I look over at JJ again seeing her hanging up the phone.

My feet work faster than my brain and I find myself walking over to her. "Where's the case?" I ask her. "Um...New Orleans." She tells me. "Two female bodies turned up." She explains. "Lauren what the hell is going on?" Hotch asks. "I think I just heard the next victim being kidnapped." I tell him truthfully.

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