Chapter 2

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We all pour into the conference room as JJ sets the case files out.

"Judith Mars 27, has been missing for a month. Until today, her body turned up in a reservoir. This is where they also found Arizona Tucker. She was 26, and she'd been missing for two weeks." JJ says. "So he spends time with his victims." Derek says and she nods. "They called us in because another woman was reported missing an hour ago. Lacey Meyers 27, was last heard from two hours ago. All abducted from their homes. If we're correct who knows what this woman is going through right now. We need to find her soon." JJ finishes.

"If she's been missing for a month why haven't they been looking for her?" Rossi asks. "She wasn't reported missing until three days ago." JJ says and I shake my head. "Is there any connection between the victims?" Reid asks. "They went to high school together." I speak up. "They were cheerleaders." I add. "There's something else. There was a photograph taped to each body." JJ says handing out copies of the photographs and I feel my throat close when I look at it. The photograph is of Lacey, Me, Judith, and Arizona. The one found on Judith has her face scratched out. The one found on Arizona has both of their faces crossed out.

"When Lacey was kidnapped the man on the phone said something. 'She hardly ever thought of him. He had worn a place for himself in some corner of her heart, as a sea shell, always boring against the rock, might do.... The making of the place had been her pain. But now the shell was safely in the rock. It was lodged, and ground no longer.' It's T.H White, The Once and Future King." Reid states.

"There's nothing we can do tonight. First thing in the morning Reid and Rossi go to the dump site, JJ speak with the families. Morgan, you and Prentiss go to the victims homes. Lauren you and I are going to look into the connection. There's something we're missing. Wheels up in thirty." Hotch says and we all nod.

"Hotch can we talk?" I ask him and he nods. "I think we have too." He states and I follow him to his office.

Once we're inside he closes the door. "What happened between us was a mistake." He tells me and I feel my heart drop. "What?" I ask him confused. "The flirting, it was just that flirting. Nothing more." He says pretending the kiss between us didn't happen, not even turning around to look at me. "Okay." I say keeping my voice from breaking. "Can I go now?" I ask him and he opens the door for me. It hurts that he doesn't show any signs of regret or sadness. I don't let him see it affect me as I walk out of the room.

The bullpen is empty. I guess everyone's already made their way to the plane. "What happened?" I hear and jump slightly as Rossi steps out of his office. "What?" I ask. "What happened?" He reiterates. "My friends missing Rossi, I'm upset about it." I say but he doesn't look convinced. "I'll leave you be." He says not pushing the subject.

I continue on my way, grabbing my go bag before heading out to the plane.

Hotch's POV

There's a knock on my office door and I sigh rubbing my eyes before answering. "Come in." I say and the door opens, revealing David.

"I'm coming, I'm just gathering a few things." I tell him. "What happened between you and Lauren?" He asks me and I look at him confused. "Did she say something?" I question.

"She didn't have too." He tells me. "What's going on Aaron?" He asks in a serious tone. "We kissed outside the bar. I let myself finally show her how I feel and then this case comes in that has her face all over it. I need to be able to protect her from whoever is after her and...You can't do that if your letting your feelings for her get in the way." He finishes my statement and I nod. "I will apologize and I will tell her how I really feel, after we catch the person threatening her." I explain and he nods. "I know you want to protect her but it's not doing either of you any good if you're both suffering emotionally."

It's not just emotionally it physically hurts not being with her now that I've had her. But if dealing with this pain means there's nothing obstructing my opinion on the best way to protect her. That's something I can live with for a little longer. I just hope she can forgive me for what I have to do.


Lauren's POV

I sit by myself in the back corner seat of the plane, before we take off with my earbuds in, looking over the case trying to come up with a profile. It's somebody who was familiar with our friend group and if the scenes show no sign of a struggle then we know it's someone they trust. I don't feel like that's the case. The question is why? Why them? Judith has a 6 year old son Nathan, my nephew. Whenever I'd visit home I'd spend a majority of my time with them. We'd show Nathan the sights of New Orleans. Occasionally Arizona would tag along.

"Hey." JJ says pulling me back to reality. I take my earbuds out and look up at JJ. "What's up?" I ask her noticing she's holding her phone. "Will wanted to talk to you before we took off." She says holding the phone out to me. I notice Hotch getting on the plane. He makes eye contact with me before continuing to his seat. I take the phone from JJ holding it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Hey Lauren, I heard what happened." He says in disbelief. I knew I'd end up being the one who had to tell him. Will and I went to high school together, and college, and the police academy, and we worked together for a few years. We always had each others backs.

"Yeah Judith and Arizona are dead. Lacey might still be alive though. I am hopeful." I tell him.

"Yeah I heard about that and I hope Lacey is alright too, but I'm talking about you and Hotch." He says leaving me dumbfounded but I also feel some tears trying to resurface. I fight them back refusing to let myself cry over Aaron Hotchner.

My mouth speaks before my brain can process what I'm saying "Who the hell told you that William?" I ask raising my voice slightly causing JJ to look up with a smirk on her face.

"JJ and me saw you and Hotch all over each other at the bar. Y'all weren't exactly being shy. Then she said she was in the copy room when you came out of his office upset and when she tried to talk to him, he was in agent mode." He explains. "You're good." I whisper to JJ causing her to chuckle a little and a small smile to cross my face. Talking to the both of them makes me feel a little better.

"It's nothing Prince, it was nothing." I say but I feel my voice break. "I got to go. I'll talk to you later." I state quickly before hanging up the phone and handing it back to JJ. I feel a tear slip out and quickly wipe it away.

"Tell me about the nickname." JJ asks out of nowhere and I look at her confused. "W-What?" I ask her. "You've called Will Prince since that case in the French Quarter a few years ago, and you ran into each other again. I mentioned you had this friend you called Prince from the French Quarter and he mentioned it was him. Neither of you ever told me the meaning behind the nickname." She explains to me and I nod. "Okay it was when Princess Diana died in the car accident. We spent so much time arguing over whether it was actually an accident or not and her firstborn was Prince William and I just started calling Will Prince because of that." I tell her truthfully as the pilot announces we're taking off. I settle into my seat buckling in for the ride ahead.

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