Chapter 5

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"The man we're looking for is Arthur Winston. He is forty-five years old and we presume he is still in the area." I begin. "This place is home to him and the type of killer he is, he doesn't typically like to leave his comfort zone." Spencer says. "He's already chosen his victims and he's prepared to go down with a fight. We still have one girl Lacey Meyers we believe to be alive." Morgan adds and the police officers look around confused before one of them speaks up "Isn't he that peeping Tom coach who got the shit beat out of him by the football team as a senior prank?" He asks and I shake my head fixing to say something but my father speaks up "It wasn't a senior prank. LaMontagne's boy found out he was messing with some cheerleaders and this department didn't do anything about it. So a couple of seniors did what this department couldn't. Detective LaMontagne and myself saw no need to investigate the matter further. Those girls deserved to know that bastard had to answer for what he did." He states looking at me and I give him a slight smile.

"We're getting off topic. He's a loner, he avoids public places all together, he doesn't have the confidence to speak to women his own age so he targets younger women. We believe he's targeting the girls who told on him. We've set up a tip line and our communications liaison Jennifer Jareau is doing a press conference to alert the locals to the situation. Which I am actually late for." I say looking down at my watch before looking over at Hotch. "Can you finish the profile?" I ask him and he nods.

I run to the entrance of the police station to see the media gathered around JJ, asking a ton of questions when I spot him in the crowd. His eyes lock with mine and a sickening smirk crosses his face. "You okay sweetheart?" I hear and see Derek in my peripheral vision, he's still a few feet away and out of sight of the door. I look down letting my hair fall in front of my face, concealing myself before speaking. "Derek I need you to stop walking towards me right now." I tell him urgently. To the untrained eye it looks like I'm covering my eyes from something horrible.

"What's going on? What are you covering yourself from?" He asks me as one of the phones go off. I hear shuffling as someone picks up the phone. After a few seconds I hear the voice speak up. "Agent Morgan this man says he needs to speak to Agent Fanning." They say and I look up through my hair seeing the Unsub's disappeared.

"Why do they want to speak to Agent Fanning?" Derek asks looking over at me, worry present on his face. "He says he has information, but he'll only give the information to Agent Fanning." I nod composing myself. "Get me Spencer now." I tell him and he nods. "JUST Spencer." I clarify to make sure he understands. "Just Spencer." He says walking back to the conference room as I walk over to the Officer.

I take the phone from them, holding it up to my ear. "This is Agent Fanning. Would you like to place a tip?" I ask playing dumb. We knew once the Unsub caught wind of me being in town, he'd slip up and contact me.

"Laurie, it's been too long." He says, his voice is unmistakable. It's Arthur Winston. "I got to say, you've got a lot of nerve calling me at this number." I tell him. First step when dealing with an unsub like him; stroke their ego. "I had to speak to you and this seemed like the easiest way to contact you. I see you've come back to me." He says with hopefulness in his. I feel sick at the thought as Derek exits the conference room with Spencer...and Hotch. I mentally roll my eyes as they walk towards me. "Why're you so quiet? Did you get the flowers I sent you?" He asks me. I remember a couple months back my Mom said someone sent me magnolias. I was confused because I have an allergic reaction to them. "So much for an admirer, anyone who knows me knows I'm allergic. I assume there's a reason you called me?" I ask fed up with this conversation. My poor Mom got caught in the middle of this, she doesn't realize she did exactly what he wanted. "I just wanted to say I'll see you soon." He says hanging up before I can say another word. My heart feels like it's fixing to beat out of my chest as I turn to Hotch, Reid and Morgan.

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