Chapter 13

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Hotch's POV

I wake up to the faint sound of my phone ringing as Lauren stirs against my chest. I stroke her hair as she relaxes again. I gently pull my arm out from underneath her, replacing my body with the pillow I was laying on. She curls up to the pillow and I smile at the peaceful look on her face.

I throw on a pair of night pants before walking out of the room to grab my phone.

"This is Hotchner." I say answering the phone. "Sir, are you with Lauren?" Garcia asks and I feel a slight blush creep on my cheeks but it disappears when I realize she's calling from the phone in her batcave.

"Garcia what's going on?" I ask her concerned as I hear her gulp. "I was looking into Lacey Meyers trial to see if there was any evidence that was forgotten and I looked over the lists of witnesses for the prosecution and defense. Lauren's going to be called to testify." She tells me, leaving me slightly confused.

"If you're worried about her taking the stand, I was a prosecutor Garcia. I can help her prepare." I tell her. "Lacey Meyers lawyers had all of the information sent from New Orleans. They're claiming self defense." She says, her voicing cracking and I feel my blood boil. "I didn't even know they could do that. They're going after Will too." She tells me in disbelief. "They can claim anything they want if they believe it is protecting their client." I explain.

If Lacey is bringing Will into this, they might want to give her extra security after I tell Lauren. "Yeah Garcia, she's here with me. I'll tell her when she wakes up." I tell her. "I will see you Monday Hotch and please tell Lauren I'm sorry?" She asks. "I will and Garcia, it's Saturday. You don't work weekends, go home. Okay?" I say. "I will sir." She says before hanging up.

I rub my eyes letting out a deep sigh as I sit down. Lacey knows she has no chance of making it out of this so she's trying to do as much psychological damage as possible to Lauren before going away. It won't work. I will work with Lauren and prepare her as best as I can for any questions she may be asked. "Hotch?" I hear the soft voice and look up to see her standing there in my t-shirt. It looks like a dress on her, she looks beautiful.

"Hey what are you doing up?" I ask her. "One of our specialties; Nightmares." She says coming to sit down beside me. I put my arm around her shoulders, holding her. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her and she nods. "The therapist says it can't hurt. It was just me standing in front of an apartment door. One of my hands was clutching something in my pocket while I knocked on the door. It was me but it was like it wasn't my body. I didn't have control. I can hear voices coming from inside as someone comes to the door and opens it. I-It was me. I pulled the thing out of my pocket and it turned out to be the gun. It was like I was reliving that night in Lacey's body." She tells me as tears fall from her cheeks with fear laced in her voice.

I pull her onto my lap wrapping both of my arms around her as she cries into my chest. I feel my nerves eating away at me, as I know I have to tell her. "Lauren I need to tell you something." I say and she looks up at me nodding with tear stained cheeks and I feel my heart drop at the sight. This woman who catches unknown subjects for a living is terrified, because she wasn't able to feel safe in the one place she was allowed too and now I have to tell her she has to face the woman responsible for that?.

"Garcia was looking at the details of Lacey Meyers trial and she saw the witnesses list. You and Will's names are on it." I tell her.


Laurens POV

I feel anger course through my veins as my blood begins to boil. "Lauren, darling? She only had you two added because she knows she's going to be convicted. She's trying to cause as much damage as she can psychologically. I've seen everything the defense could possibly throw your way and you've got the advantage. You have to remember you are stronger than her. If you don't want to do it we can try to challenge it before the tri-I'll do it." I interrupt and he looks at me shocked.

"What?" He asks confused. "I'll do it." I reiterate.

"She played a part in the death of Judith and Arizona. In the hospital room she told me she loved Winston and I was the last one standing in their way. She did this to protect him, instead of the women he hurt. It's not my job to find her guilty. BUT you can bet I'm going to do whatever the fuck I can to help the prosecution, that any jury can find her guilty without a reasonable doubt." I tell him truthfully.

I don't care that I was shot, I care that Judith's son is going to grow up without his mother or Aunt Zozo. I'm doing it for him, Judith's husband and Arizona's family. They deserve to know the person who did that to their loved ones is put away.

"I'll help you." Hotch tells me, placing his hand on mine and I nod. "I'd like that." I say leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Do you want something to eat?" He asks me and I shake my head. "I can't eat right now." I tell him. "Is there anything you want to do today?" He asks and I smile when an idea pops into my mind "I go back to work Monday, and I haven't shot my gun in almost a month. I kind of want to see how rusty I've gotten." I say causing him to chuckle a little and I look at him confused. "What?" I ask him curiously.

"You have a gold certification from the academy for firearm training and you're worried that a few weeks of no practice is going to mess you up?" He asks me and I nod as he smiles. "We can go, but I have full confidence that you will be amazing." He tells me.


I'm standing in front of the target as Hotch holds out my gun to me. I take a shaky breath staring at the weapon in his hands before taking it from him. The metal is cool in my hand as I check the chamber. "You know profilers aren't required to carry guns, if it makes you uncomfortable you don't have to do it." Hotch states, profiling me and words fall from my lips before I realize what I'm saying "If we're together you can't profile me Aaron." I state aiming my gun at the target and lining up the shot.

"I'll keep that in mind." He tells me. "Earmuffs please." I say quickly placing my finger on the trigger as Hotch puts my earmuffs over my ears. My hand starts shaking until I feel Hotch's arms wrap around me as he runs his hands down my forearms to hold my hands on the gun. "Just breathe. You're in control." He tells me, keeping a secure grip on my hands and I nod taking a deep breath. I pull the trigger as a loud pop is heard and the smell of gunpowder fills my nostrils.

"You got the shoulder." He tells me and I nod. "I was actually aiming for a few inches to the right." I tell him, feeling a little disappointed in myself. I've never missed a shot, in the few instances I've used my gun. "Don't beat yourself up about it Darling. It was your first shot, keep going." He tells me and I nod shaking it off and aiming again.

A few more shots land me nowhere I slowly become more frustrated, but I refuse to give up. Hotch continues to encourage me.

"Pretend we're at an unsub's hideout. We've got him surrounded, his last resort is aiming his gun at the victim. Rossi's trained you in hostage negotiation and your trying to reason with the unsub. You keep your eyes trained on his and your weapon raised." He tells me and I stare the silhouette's head with my finger on the trigger. "He raises the gun to the victims head and you fire!" He says as I pull the trigger and the bullet hits the center of the clavicle. I look back at Hotch who's smiling at me. "You just shattered the clavicle, he can't shoot anymore and you save the victim. Practicing on a target doesn't prove anything. Put yourself in the situation and see how you do then." He tells me.

"Thank you." I tell him taking the ammo chamber out and cock the gun once as the bullet in the chamber falls out. I put the unloaded gun in my lockbox before hiding the ammunition chamber in a secret compartment. I lock it up putting the key back around my neck. "So that's what that's for." He says and I nod. "During my parents divorce things got heated and Jessie was staying with Will and I while we were in the academy. So he bought us both one of these for our weapons." I tell him truthfully and he nods as his phone rings. "I'll be right back." He tells me before walking away.

I take my earmuffs off, putting them in the bag with my goggles as Hotch walks back into the room. "Is everything okay?" I ask him. "Yeah, it was just Jack calling to tell me he was having fun with his cousins. I told him I was with you and he asked if you were okay. He wanted me to tell you hi." He tells me and I feel my heart fill with joy. Jack Hotchner is one of the sweetest kids I've ever met. There were a few times where Hotch had to stay late and Jessica would get called to work so I'd volunteer to watch him.

"I'll make sure to tell him thank you." I say smiling.

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