Chapter 11

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Once I met Will at the bar everything was good. We started out with one beer each. After thirty minutes we ordered another one.

Then Will had the brilliant idea to do tequila shots.

We've each had a few. "Have you been keeping track of how much we've drunk?" Will slurs and I shake my head frantically laughing as I chew on my straw before responding. "I lost track after seven...I think that was an hour ago. I thought you were keeping count." I say playfully smacking him a little harder than I meant too and he falls off his stool as I throw my head back in laughter. "You're such a klutz." I tell him as he climbs back on his stool rolling his eyes. "Says the one who fell off of a human pyramid." He grumbles and I shove his ass off his stool again.

"I didn't fall off of that pyramid twice, like you just did with that chair." I tell him and he glares at me. "You also didn't have someone shoving you off of it." He responds.

"So are you going to tell me what made you want to go drinking?" He asks and I laugh softly, shaking my head. "If I'm drinking to forget, why would I want to talk about it?" I ask him honestly.

"It was Hotch wasn't it?" He asks out of nowhere. "How the fuck did you figure that out?" I question. "I haven't mentioned him once since we started drinking...I think." I add and he chuckles as realization dawns on me. "That's what gave it away isn't it?" I ask and he nods with a matter of fact look on his face. I roll my eyes gently nudging him off the stool once again.

"I swear Laveau." He mumbles under his breath. "Laveau? Somebody's got some nerve." I say and he shrugs laughing. "Oh is my middle name funny LaMontagne?" I ask him before turning to the bartender. "Can we get two waters please?" I ask him and he nods bringing over the bottles.

"What time is it? I told JJ I'd call someone after a couple of hours." I tell him and he looks down at his watch squinting. "It's a quarter after nine." He tells me. I nod pulling my phone out of my pocket. The screen is very blurry I can't make out the names. "Ah hell! I can't read my screen." I tell Will, who in return laughs at me. It takes everything in me not to shove him off the stool again. "Now that that's out of your system, do you have any suggestions?" I ask him and he nods. "Just redial the last person you called." He says in a 'duh' tone and I look at him like he grew a second head. "You're the last person I called!" I tell him. "I'm sorry I drank to much to drive." He says shrugging and I can't resist. I shove him off the stool again.

I manage to get to my recent call list and click on the second to last number. It's most likely Derek.

"Lauren? Where are you?" The voice on the other end asks, sounding almost relieved.

"I'm at the bar with Will. We had...a couple shots and neither of us can drive. I hate to ask but can you give us a ride home?" I ask him as Will stumbles, climbing on the stool again. If looks could kill I would be dead.

"Laveau, I swear on your name sake if you push me one more time, you're going to pay for it." He warns once again but I see the hint of a smile on his face.

"Who the fuck just threatened you?" The person asks in a deep voice. Maybe this wasn't Derek...

"Calm down it's just Will joking. I promised JJ if we got too drunk I would call someone. If you can't I can just call someone else." I tell them truthfully.

"I'll be there in ten minutes." They say and hang up before I can respond.

"Who's coming to get us?" Will asks and I shrug. "I think Derek but I don't know. I'm just lucky it wasn't someone in New Orleans." I say laughing, causing him to start as well.


Will and I paid the tab and decided to go outside to wait for Derek. "It is freezing out here." I say hugging my coat against my body. Ten minutes go by in silence before Will speaks up.

"My visions starting to clear up a little. Let me see your phone, so we can see who you called for help." He says holding out his hand. I grab my phone from my pocket, handing it to him.

"You can't wait a few more minutes?" I ask as he types in my passcode. His face changes to one of amusement as he bursts out laughing. "What the hells so funny?" I ask him confused and he shakes his head, handing my phone back to me.

"Nothing as a matter of fact, I think our ride is here." He says pointing behind me. I turn to see the familiar car pull into the parking lot, but it's not Derek's car.

Oh no.

Hotch climbs out of the car. His eyes land on mine and I quickly look away. "Are you ready?" He asks us. "Will?" I ask looking over at him. "Yes!" He says ready to be home with JJ and Henry. Will walks over climbing in the back seat. Hotch opens the passenger door for me and I climb in. He shuts the door as I buckle up. "You're an ass." I mumble back at Will. "I'm not the one who called him." He retorts and I shrug. He has a fair point. Hotch gets in the driver side and hands me a bottle of water. "I figured you'd want one." He says and I nod. "Thanks." I tell him and he nods.

"I know how you like to rehydrate after drinking."


The ride to Will and JJ's is fairly quiet, aside from Will snoring in the backseat. Hotch has that look on his face again as if he wants to say something but he doesn't. After drinking my second bottle of water, I started sobering up and I can see my phone screen again.

We arrive at JJ and Will's and I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt but feel a hand on my arm. Chills run through my body from his touch as I look over meeting his eyes once again. He says something but I can't hear him over the millions of thoughts running through my mind before my eyes land on his lips and one thought becomes prominent.

Even when I'm pissed at him, I still fucking love this man!

I press my lips against his and he moves his hands to my face, cupping my cheeks. One of his hands moves down to cup my breast and I moan into his mouth as I feel him smirk against my lips. I place my hand on his chest slowly moving it down his body, fiddling with the occasional button before landing on his lap. I lean into the kiss more, pressing my hand against him. "Fuck." He groans against my lips.

"OH MY GOSH!" I hear and we pull apart as my head shoots to the backseat. "Ah hell, at least wake me up and let me get out of the car." Will says rubbing his eyes harshly with one hand as he reaches for the door with the other.

He gets the door open climbing out of the car. "Do you need help to the house?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "I saw where your hand was, you ain't touching me with that thing." He says and I can't help but burst out laughing. "Give Henry a hug for me?" I ask him. "Yeah, yeah." He mumbles before closing the door and walking away. "We're going to hear about this on Monday." Hotch says and I nod. "Oh yeah. In fairness we probably should've remembered he was in the backseat." I tell him and he lets out a quiet chuckle.

"Can we talk? You deserve an explanation." He tells me and I reluctantly nod as he starts the car and pulls out onto the street. "Do you want to go to your apartment or mine?" He asks. "Spencer's at ours." I tell him truthfully.

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