Chapter 7

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We're on our way back to Quantico after the events in New Orleans.

Hotch insisted I was checked out by the EMTs, even though nothing happened to me.

So our work here is done. This time Hotch sits across from looking over the case file one last time. I have my earbuds in writing out my case report on paper before we get back to the office. "Baby doll really?" Derek asks looking over my shoulder. "No one would blame you if you put it off till tomorrow. You just caught a scumbag who should've been put away years ago." He reassures me and I shrug. "It's just easier." I say continuing.

The plane ride soon ends and we find ourselves back at the office. I sit down at my desk in the bullpen with a cup of coffee and begin typing up the case report for the case. A small bit of satisfaction knowing this monster cannot hurt another innocent person again.

One after one each member of the team finishes their case reports and takes them up to Hotch before grabbing their belongings and leaving for the night. The last to go before is Rossi and I know Hotch can't leave until I finish.

After another thirty minutes I finish my case report and print it out. I quickly grab it preparing myself to go into Hotch's office. I knock on the door and hear a quiet "come in" from the other side. I open the door and step inside closing it behind me. Hotch doesn't look up and I walk over to his desk sitting the case file down in front of him, my sleeve raising a little to reveal the tattoo on my wrist. "Medusa." He speaks up. "Yeah, it was a group tattoo everyone in school called us stone cold bitches. It was just a dumb joke." I say quickly and he looks up at me. "Did people actually believe that story? Anyone with a basic understanding of Greek mythology knows Medusa's story. It signifies the bond you shared with your friends, having someone to confide in who knew what you were feeling. It signifies strength and survival. It's fitting that you would have it." Hotch says and I smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow Hotch." I say with one last smile before turning to leave. "Lauren!" He says as I'm halfway to the door. I turn back around to see him making his way over to me. He grabs my face, leaning down and pressing his lips against mine. I instinctively move my hands to his waist pulling him against me. He pulls away quickly and I look up at him wondering what's going through his mind....


Hotch's POV

A million things race through my mind. I can finally have her. I can tell her how I feel. What do I say? She looks up at me with those crystal blue eyes and one thought becomes prominent. "I love you." I tell her truthfully. She smiles at me before grabbing my tie and pulling me back down to kiss her.


Lauren's POV

I pull him down by his tie connecting my lips to his as his hands find their way to my waist untucking my shirt. They move up to my chest, grabbing the front of my shirt. He tears it roughly causing buttons to fly everywhere as I undo his tie and break the kiss to pull it over his head. He pushes my shirt off of my shoulders and I let it fall to the ground, leaving me in my bra and skirt. He slowly unbuttons his shirt until I reach behind me unclipping my bra but I hold it in place. "Take it off." He says in a commanding tone and I bite my lip, shaking my head.

"I'm not taking anything else off until something of yours comes off." I tell him and he smirks before replying. "That sounds fair enough." He states as he pulls his shirt off. He looks up at me and I drop my arms, letting my bra fall. Hotch stares at me for a minute without speaking. Looking at his face, I can tell he's biting the inside of his jaw. "Son of a bitch." He mumbles pulling me back to him grabbing the backs of my thighs. "Jump." He growls and I oblige. He moves us to his desk sitting me on the edge of it.

He stands between my legs, grabbing my face and reconnecting our lips with one hand as the other slips under my skirt and into my underwear. His fingers graze across my clit and I let out a soft moan at the slight sensation that goes through my body. "I love hearing that sound come out of you." He mumbles against my lips. "I'm going to give you a chance to keep that skirt, because you look very sexy in it. You have thirty seconds to have it and your underwear off." He says pulling away and unbuckling his pants. "What about the door?" I ask unzipping my skirt. He stops, walking over to the door and locks it.

I step out of my skirt and panties as he walks back over to me. He lifts me back onto his desk before pulling his pants and underwear down. "Are you ready?" He asks lining himself up with me and I nod as he begins slowly pushing into me. I wrap my legs around him, pulling him against me causing him to bottom out inside of me. He bites down on my neck, groaning into it as I fight back a moan from the intense pleasure. "What the hell was that?" He asks me breathlessly. "Impatience?" I joke and he chuckles. "I like it." He says thrusting into me. He presses his lips against mine once again as one hand holds my lower back, keeping me in place while the other one massages my breast. "Fuck Aaron." I mumble against his lips. "You have no idea how long I've wanted you." He tells me pressing his forehead against mine. He moves his hand from my breast to my lower back as he lifts me up off the desk and I somehow sink further down onto him. I groan quietly pressing my face against his chest. Hotch moves us to the small couch in his office where he lays me down on my back with him above me. He begins thrusting into me once again, this time I feel a knot forming in my stomach. "Are you close?" He asks and I nod. He nods in response leaning down and taking my nipple in his mouth, sucking and occasionally biting. I move my hand to his hair pulling at it as I feel the knot in my stomach snap. The intensity and pleasure wash over as I pull Aaron back up to my lips. I moan into his mouth as his thrusts become sloppy and he comes undone as well. He rides us through our highs.

He lets his body fall against mine as his heart beats against mine. "That was worth the seminar we're going to have to sit through." I joke and he chuckles a little, nodding. "You're worth it." He says pressing his lips against mine quickly. I look up at the clock which reads

11:45 p.m

My eyes widen at the time. I didn't let Spencer know I would be home late. "I need to go. Spencer and I have this rule that we're back in the apartment by twelve." I tell him and he nods. "I get it. It's a safety thing. What're you doing in the morning?" He asks sitting up. "I was going to get ready for work. Why?" I ask him curiously, sitting up as well. "I was thinking maybe we could grab breakfast?" He suggests and I smile nodding. "That sounds fun, but I really need to be going now." I tell him, standing up. I walk over to his desk grabbing my skirt and underwear, putting them on quickly as he finishes pulling up his pants and buckling them. "Doesn't Spencer have your car?" He asks. Shit! He's right. "Can you give me a ride and have you seen my shirt?" I ask him looking for it as he buttons his up. "Yeah you might just want to go ahead and borrow my hoodie. I'll replace the shirt." He tells me and I chuckle, shaking my head a little. "It's okay." I tell him and he smiles at me. "Where is this hoodie at?" I ask him and he points to his desk. I go around to the other side. "Which drawer.?" I question before I go rummaging through his stuff. "The bottom right one." He tells me and I open it, grabbing the hoodie. I slip it on as he finishes getting dressed. "Are you ready?" He asks me and I nod. "Let's go." I say.


I enter the apartment three minutes past midnight and it's quiet so I assume Spencer fell asleep.

"And where have you been?" I hear as a light in the living room turns on revealing Spencer sitting on the couch. "I was at the office. I was finishing my case report." I tell him and he nods. "In a sweatshirt that looks like a dress on you?" He questions. "Spencer it's late can we talk tomorrow?" I ask him and he nods. "Yeah, I'll go to bed. But I expect you to tell me the truth." He says heading to his room. "Yes sir." I joke as the doorbell rings. "Can you answer that?" He asks and I nod as enters his room.

I open the door and my jaw nearly drops. I-I can't believe it. How is she here? "Lacey?" I ask but it comes out as just above a whisper. She pulls a gun out of her jacket and it feels like everything moves in slow motion. She fires two shots into my stomach sending a ringing through my ears. I clutch my stomach, falling to the ground as she runs off. The last thing I hear is someone calling my name before everything goes black.

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