Chapter 13

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Maya had smiled as she looked how everyone had gathered around to celebrate Josh's birthday as she was 35 weeks pregnant. She could barely believe that her pregnancy was close to being over as she felt like it just started to get easy as the time went on.

"And Maya. You guys still doing okay in that big house?" Amy asked as Maya had nodded.

"Yeah we are. It's definitely an adjustment. Something I'm not used to. But we are slowly getting used to it all," Maya said smiling.

"And the baby? How's he doing?" Alan asked.

"Noah is doing good. Kicking a lot. Good grieve. I haven't been able to get a lot of sleep lately," Maya said.

"He was the exact same," Amy said as Josh looked at his mother.

"Just don't go and do too crazy stuff now that you're 21," Alan said.

"Being crazy is put on hold for now. What I need to focus on is Maya and my son who is coming soon," Josh said.

"Make that very soon," Amy said.

"Yeah. My doctor actually told me that after 36 weeks we can look out for signs of birth which is kinda making me a little scared," Maya said.

"Told Topanga the same with Riley and she was born at 41 weeks. When is your due date?" Cory asked.

"April, 14th. But enough with he worries. Let's just enjoy the day," Maya said.

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