Chapter 14

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Josh had looked at Maya, who was laying in a hospital bed. When Maya had one had gone into labor just a few hours it became real to them that their baby was coming.

"How you feeling, Maya?" Josh asked stroking over her hair.

"We're going to have a long night, aren't we?" Maya asked as Josh nodded.

"Yeah. It's 11:58. He's going to be born on April, 1st. I know it. You're doing amazing," Josh said as the doctor had came into the room.

"How's my favorite patient doing?" he asked as Maya smiled.

"Lot of pain," Maya said.

"Okay, let's check you then. How far are you?" he asked.

"38 and a half weeks," Maya said.

"You're at a ten. I'm sending a nurse to help you with pushing exercises and then we're going in. You're having a baby," he said as Maya smiled.

Falling back down against the pillow, Maya had taken a deep breath. Never in her life did she even imagine that labor would be as difficult as this. But she was pulling through it all.

"You're doing great, Maya. Another push. Come on," the doctor said as Maya had started to push and Josh grabbed her hand.

"You got this," Josh said as she stopped pushing.

"Ah," Maya said taking breaths.

"Good job. You're almost there. One more push then I think your baby will be here. One more," the doctor said as Maya gave a push, holding Josh's hand tighter.

Suddenly hearing crying noises coming from a baby, the doctor had put a baby on Maya's body as she looked at her baby boy.

"Hi, baby. Hey sweet boy," Maya said stroking over his hair.

"You did it," Josh said kissing Maya.

"What's the sweetheart's name?" the doctor asked as he had gotten out paperwork.

"Noah Gabriel Matthews," Maya said looking at her son as she and Josh were in heaven with their baby boy finally here.


And here it comes to an end!
I've loved writing this book and of course there will be a sequel.

Which name do you guys like most?

1. Our Favorite Adventures With Noah

2. The Three of Us

3. Life As Parents

I'll see you guys soon!

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