Chapter 1

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Maya Hart smiles as she walks through the streets of Philadelphia towards the little apartment on the corner.
She shook her head as she got her key out unlocking the door as she went in seeing her boyfriend.

"Hey, how was college?" Josh asked closing him computer where he was busy with a assignment.
"Good. It's art. Nothing complicated. And yours?" Maya asked as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.
"Well business is certainly different than art but my day was good," Josh said.

After the couple started to date after Maya's 13th birthday in May they were pretty open to the near people about their relationship.
Their parents especially since they were so young.
After high school graduation they moved in together convinced that they were ready for the huge change which they were.

"Listen, my new nephew was just born. Want to go and finally tell Cory?" Josh asked and Maya looked at him.
"Babe you were the one who didn't want to tell them immediately. I would love to tell them and get introduced. But we might have more than just a relationship to report," Maya said as Josh looked at his girlfriend.
"Honey, what's going on? You don't seem... What's going on? You are acting really..."
"You're going to be a father," Maya said as Josh looked at her excitedly.
"You're joking," Josh said going towards Maya but she could hear he was excited.
"No I'm not. I'm pregnant. The test drops don't lie," Maya said.
"Oh my gosh," Josh said taking Maya in his arms.

The Secret Girlfriend (Completed) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant