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I woke up to Mommy packing my things up.

"Morning princess," Mommy said. I groaned pulling the blanket over my head. "El, come on get up. You've got to get ready for school,"  I groaned loudly.

"I'm tired," I said.

"If you're brushing your teeth in the bathroom in two minutes I'll add a sticker to your chart," Mommy said. I trudged out of bed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked back into the bedroom. "If you can get one more sticker you get takeout tomorrow night," Mommy said putting the sticker on my board. I ran to the chart to see how I could get another sticker.

"Make my bed," I said.

"That would get you another sticker," Mommy said. I made my bed and tucked my stuffed toys into bed. "Well done princess," Mommy said putting another sticker on my chart. "Now do you want me to put the money in your money box to go into your account eventually or do you want to go to the toy shop after school?" 

"Moneybox please," I said. Since I was able to do chores Mommy set up a reward chart. If I got a certain amount of stickers I'd get a big reward. For every sticker I got I could either go to the toyshop or I could have $50 put in some sort of fund Mommy had for when I was older.

"This money box is getting pretty full now. We're going to have to take a trip to the bank soon," Mommy said. "Now go get dressed please," Mommy said. I walked to my closet and got dressed.

"Mommy, can you do my hair please?" I asked

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"Mommy, can you do my hair please?" I asked.

"Sure princess. What do you want?" Mommy asked. I looked at her. "Sorry sweetheart do you want a ponytail or do you want plaits or something else?"

"Can I have a ponytail please?" I asked. Mommy did my hair for me.

"I already packed your school bag for you now go get yourself some breakfast," Mommy said kissing my head. I ran downstairs. 

"What would you like for breakfast?" Anders asked.

"Can I have some cereal and some fruit please?" I asked. Anders gave me my bowl of cereal and put my fruit on a plate for me. "Thank you," I said.


After school, Mommy picked me up and took me back to her office so that she and Monica could plan the launch party for Mommy's company. I was sat cuddled into Mommy's chest.

"Your office is coming together. Only you would plan a party in 24 hours just to prove a point," Monica said.

"It's a launch party. It's supposed to be fast," Mommy said.

"Why are you doing it?" 

"Give the company the attention it deserves, to woo new clients," Mom said.

"Mm-hm," Monica said.

"Why are you always "mm-hm'ing" me?" Mommy asked.

"Strange coincidence that you flake out on my brother. Then Kori hooks up with this driver, who you are not having sex with, and suddenly you're refocused on Jeff. You go where the attention is," Monica said.

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