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Neil could hear his heart beat in his ears as they pull off the ramp towards the convention center where the pack meeting was taking place. They would be staying in Virginia for 3 days for the meeting and Neil wasn't pleased about it.

Andrew was trying his best to calm Neil down the whole drive there, but the closer they got the harder it was for him to do so. He played with his hair, rubbed his back, held him in his lap, had Neil lay down in his lap, everything that normally works to get his omega to purr, but it didn't work. He got a few moments where he felt Neils chest start purring but it always stopped within a few seconds. He wondered if Neil was doing it on purpose, working on getting control over his purring so he didn't accidentally do it in public but Andrew doubted it.

"I'm sorry," Neil said when he heard Andrews little huff of frustration.

"For?" Andrew asked as he continued to scratch at Neils scalp gently.

"I can tell your trying to get me to purr but I just can't do it," Neil says softly, his voice cracking.

"Stop apologising for stupid things," Andrew scoffs.

"I know it calms you down too but I can't do it right now," Neil goes on ignoring Andrew.

"It's okay," Andrew says moving to rub the omegas back. "Just relax, that's all I'm trying to get you to do."

"Okay," Neil said nuzzling his head into Andrews neck. When Andrew noticed he was tucking his nose into his scent glands he started releasing calming pheromones for his omega. He's gotten better at doing so due to all the practice he's gotten from being around Neil.

Finally Neil seems to relax into Andrews arms, but he still doesn't purr. Andrew can't help but feel slightly disappointed because Neils right, the sound does calm him too. Knowing his omega is comfortable and feels safe calms him down, but he isn't expecting Neil to truly feel safe while they are getting closer and closer to where Riko is sure to be. As much as he wants his omega to feel 100% safe with him no matter what, he can't blame Neil when he was abused by Riko for so many years.

"Alright," Wymack says standing up at the front of the bus. "We're only 3 minutes away, and we need to present as an united front. That means no arguing or fighting got it?"

"Yes," they all chime.

"Good, we'll all just leave our shit on the bus for the beginning of this pack meeting. Than tonight we'll bring it to our hotel."

They pull up to the complex and park the bus with all the rest of the packs buses. Andrew immediately sees the buses that belong to the evermore pack. There all black except for the large raven on the side and the red lettering that says evermore.

Neil starts whimpering when he sees them and Andrew grabs his head and pulls him back down into his neck to calm down.

"Your okay, your safe," Andrew says in a hushed tone, not wanting anyone else to hear him. "I've got you omega."

Neil breathed in his alphas scent and focused on his words instead of the gnawing dread in his stomach. Finally Andrew stood up and pulled Neil up as well. He frowned when Neil didn't take his out stretched hand but didn't say anything, not wanting to push him into something he didn't want.

They walk out of the bus and everyone subconsciously circles around Neil, so that if anyone wants to get to him they will have to get through the rest of them first.

Neil stays by Andrews side but doesn't touch him like he normally does. He must have caught the worried looks the alpha was throwing his way because he said, "I don't want Riko to see us together and flip out."

Pipe Dream: ANDREILWhere stories live. Discover now