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CW: This is gonna be a heavy chapter with really dark themes, and really dark thoughts. Rape/Noncon, sexual assault, suicidal thoughts, and lots of violence. It is not as vague this time but I cut it short, no one wants to read just a full on rape scene or anything and I don't want to write that but I did want to make sure I show Rikos cruelty.

Neil could tell Andrew was getting suspicious of Neils behaviour, but he didn't care. He didn't want to smell too much like Andrew, so after he showered that morning he tried to keep a fair amount of distance from the alpha. He knew Riko would hate it if he smelled to much like Andrew, and even though Neil knew there was no way to get Andrews scent off him completely in such a short amount of time, he needed to do his best to minimise it.

"Why is your scent blocked," Andrew asked after Kevin left before them to meet the others for breakfast.

"I told you I had a nightmare last night," Neil said again.

"And I said I don't care, I want to be able to scent you so I can help you," Andrew said in exasperation.

Neil grunted, "I don't care."

Andrew looked thrown back at the harsh tone in Neils voice but thankfully seemed to decide not to push it anymore. They headed down to breakfast together and found seats next to the others. Neil wasn't hungry but Andrew forced him to eat a few pieces of bacon and a small portion of eggs. The scent made him feel sick but he ate it for Andrews sake.

The others kept giving him concerned looks and kept asking if he was alright.

"I'm fine," Neil assured them for what felt like the hundredth time. "I just didn't sleep well last night."

"You were purring loud enough I wouldn't have guessed that," Kevin grumbled.

Neil blushed, he didn't know he could purr in his sleep. He knew Andrew was able to get him to purr for a little while before he fell back asleep but the way Kevin was talking was like it was a pretty consistent thing. He was probably just being dramatic as usual though, with the nightmares he had he didn't think it would be possible to be purring.

Eventually they got on the bus and drove to the convention centre, quickly finding there table in the crowd of packs. They sat at there table in the main room and waited for whoever was in charge of this whole thing to come up and speak. Andrew had his hand on Neils thigh and was rubbing circles with his thumb, but even that couldn't calm Neil down at this point. Neil watched the clock ticking down knowing his time was running out, and knowing he would need some time to figure out how to get away from Andrew.

When the man finally stopped speaking and everyone got up to attend whatever they found interesting it was 11:40. Time for Neil to figure something out.

He grabbed Andrews arm and pulled him into a tight hug, breathing in what ever he could of him wanting to commit the scent to memory.

"Thank you," Neil said, and before Andrew could respond he added. "You're amazing."

"What are you talking about rabbit," Andrew scoffed as he held Neil close.

"I just wanted to say that," Neil sighed against Andrews shoulder.

"You have weird timing," Andrew said with an amused snort.

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