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Andrew still had the taste of blood in his mouth as Wymack shoved him into the bus. His hands where still handcuffed behind his back because no one trusted him to not kill them if they didn't drive fast enough.

"We're going to evermore calm your tits," Wymack growled at Andrew as he tried to pry out of Wymacks hold.

"Well you better hurry the fuck up before I rip out your throat," Andrew snarled.

Even though the police had injected him with something that kept him from shifting, he wasn't afraid to use his human teeth. He had spent the day locked up in a jail cell while Wymack and the packs lawyers explained that his bloody massacre had been because his omega had been taken. Since Neil was Rikos 'property' they wouldn't do anything to get him back, but they eventually let Andrew go with a hefty fine for "loosing control of his alpha". Andrew didn't care, he'd gladly put the entire pack in massive dept if it meant getting Neil back.

Wymack passed Andrew off to Kevin and Matt as he got behind the wheel of the bus and started it. It was already 12 am, meaning Neil had been gone for 36 hours. Andrew knew that wasn't good, if Neil was even still alive he'll be in horrible shape. Andrew wanted nothing more than to rip Rikos throat out like he did some of his little Ravens. He licked his lips at the thought of Rikos blood on his tongue.

"Do we really have to handcuff you to the seat or do you promise not to kill any of us?" Kevin asked.

"Don't piss me off and I won't kill you," Andrew snarled.

Matt and Kevin seemed to decide that was good enough because they uncuffed Andrew.

"Get some sleep," Kevin said. "I can tell your exhausted."

It was true, he had slept only 5 hours since Neil went missing. Every time he closed his eyes all he could see was Riko hurting Neil. Kevin sat down in the seat across from Andrew and watched him anxiously. He had bruises on his neck from where Andrew had pinned him to the wall thinking Kevin must know what Riko had done with his Neil.

At half past twelve Kevin's phone rang and his face paled when he saw who was calling.

"It's Jean," Kevin breathed.

"What?" Andrew growled snatching the phone out of his hand and answering. "Where the fuck is Neil?"

"If you can get to Evermore by 4 am I'll bring him to you," Jeans voice replied.

"Why am I supposed to believe you?" Andrew asked suspiciously.

"Because I'm the only chance you have at seeing your mate again," Jean replied. "If you can't come get him, Riko will probably kill him tomorrow."

Andrews blood ran cold. "Not if I kill him first."

"He's dosing Neil up with his heat drug that will force Neil into a false heat at 3, at 3:30 im supposed to check on him to make sure he isn't having any negative reactions or going into the heat early. I can have him out of the nest by 4 if you can meet me outside the gates."

"We'll be there," Andrew said, moving to hang up the phone.

"Wait," Jean said hastily. "There's more you need to know. He's badly hurt but I'm sure your expecting that, but this heat isn't going to be a normal one. It's going to force his body to produce all the hormones a normal one would but in the span of 24 hours. He'll be in tremendous pain, and Riko made sure the pill will make it so that the only way to alleviate that pain will be to do, well, do sexual things to him."

Andrew growled at the prospect of Neil in that much pain. "Okay," was all he could say.

"That's it, you needed to know that because other wise the amount of pain would be so unbearable it would probably kill him in the state he's in. He's stronger than any omega I've ever met, but not even an alpha could go through this in the state he's in and walk out alive."

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