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Hello loyal readers? Idk, anyways, I have news for you guys. Some bad news tho... So like you know how toxic this fandom can be and stuff, some of the things have really gotten to me bc some people in the fandom have said some mean things to me.

If you go to my account all my stories are mha crossovers. I will discontinue the others as well. I didn't have the courage to say this right away. But some people are fenuenly liking this story and I fell bad.

But not to worry! For I am making a new Sakura crossover!!! Sorry to any Harry Potter or Percy Jackson haters.

But I am a little stuck, the Percy Jackson series will not come out until I collect the entire book set. But for the harry potter series UGHGHJSKRJGHVJD!!!

Can you please vote for me?

Sakura x Ginny Weasley
Sakura as a Weasley?

I have a lot of stories in my drafts so I hope you will be content with those! Please don't send a lot of hate 🙏

Broken|Sakura Haruno|Discontinued!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora