... Still alive...

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I woke up with a lot of pain and a migraine is where my pain is coming from. Ohh how I hated headaches as well as migraines. They seem to never stop. I don't have anything against physical pain but these... Nah! I couldn't stand them!

Me: Mmmmhhh-

Tho the pain was an indication that I was still alive which meant that I either got a quick because I jumped or some saved me. I was betting my money on the second opinion. There was no way I would have survived that, with or without any quirk. That fall was ridiculously high. No one could have survived that without wings or some kind of levitation quirk.

Hawks: Feather, how are you feeling?

Me: Dead would be better...

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Hawks: Aww don't say that!

The moment I heard the sight coming from roght next to me, I jolted up and looked at my home room teacher. He as well as Hawks were both sitting on a chair right beside my bed. To be precise the hospital bed or in this case UA's infirmary bed. It was also the only place I felt as if I belonged too.


That means this is UA's infirmary!

Seeing Hawks here means he brought me here...

So I am alive...

He saved me....

Aw man!


I am not even worth being saved!


Me: *Sigh*

I let out a sigh before closing my eyes and laying back down on the bed. My head was killing me and it was annoying. I didn't even wanted to think anything at the moment.

Hawks: What a great response...

Aizawa: Problem child, how are you feeling?

Me: ...

In my point of view, I messed up. I tried killing myself and Hawks saved me. To make matters even worse now even Aizawa and the whole school knows what a failure I am. That fact was like a slap right into my face. I tried to die and failed soo many times now. Tho this time it was my first obvious attempt.

Hawks: Hey... You think you can stomach something? You need the energy after all.

Me: ...

Aizawa: Problem child?

Me: ...

I felt like a disappointment. Everything wasn't important anymore. This was all useless! I didn't care for food or anything like this anymore.

The reason why I wasn't responding at all was because I felt mad at myself for being such a failure. I can't be a hero because I am to weak. I can't kill myself because my luck is bad. Besides that I tried throwing myself of a hero agency roof too!

How stupid am I?

I tried to kill myself in an hero agency?!

What did I expect?

Of course he would safe me!

Which hero wants a dead trainee on their ground!

Aizawa: Kid?

Me: ...

Hawks: Izu, why aren't you saying anything?

As if that wasn't enough, I would have ruined his reputation too!

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