chapter 1 - Hunter Noceda

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Luz never had any friends, even from a young age. never had any siblings, or anyone she could really call close. except for her mother. so Luz's reaction to getting a new sibling was none other than a good one.

she spent the whole ride to the orphanage asking "are we there yet? are we there yet?"

Camila was always patiently replying "no, carino" until they eventually did reach that orphanage and she replied "yes, mija, we're here" and Luz squealed in her car seat

"am i going to have a brother or a sister? ooh i want a brother so i can wear his clothes" Camila stepped out of the car, chuckling. the fact that Luz needed an excuse to wear masculine clothing was absurd

"if you want to wear boy clothes, mija," Camila opened the backseat door "you can just ask and i'll buy some"

"really?" this day could not get any better for Luz. she was way too excited to let anything get her down. so she wiggled in her seat even though her mother was removing her from the car seat.

"ok carino, let's go" with that, they entered the building. three women stood at the entrance. the sister of course but Luz didn't understand that just yet.

all Luz could hear is blah blah blah until the sisters mentioned meeting the potential adoptees. they all came down the stairs. all of different races, heights and ages. Luz could wait to get to know them

"do you mind if we talk to them?" Camila asked the sisters

"of course" one of them answers.

"do you maybe want a more private space?" another one asks

"yes, that would be wonderful, thank you" she led the Latin mother and daughter to another room, the children slowly trailing them anxiously. they reached a small room. it looked like one for playing. it was filled with colors and all sorts of things

the kids spread out in the room while Camila had a good look at them, their reactions, their interactions. Luz wasn't the only one who was excited.

She noticed a boy in the corner of the room. he just huddled by himself, hugging his knees. so she went to him. surprised, he jumped up in a fighting stance. Luz who was stuck to Camila like she was glue, followed. Camila bent to speak to him but he just shifted closer to the wall

"what's wrong, nino?" he stayed quiet "you can talk to me" 

"my name isn't nino" Camila chuckled 

"no, but in spanish it means boy

"really?" Camila nodded 

"this is Luz, in spanish it mean light" Luz walked closer with a smile and extended her hand 

"what's your name?" she asked 

"i-i'm Hunter" he said, staring at Luz's hand "what does that mean in spanish?"

"in spanish we say cazador" Camila answered 

"cazador?" Hunter repeated 



"what do you think, Luz?" Camila and Luz were now in the hallway, discussing who they were going to take home 

"Ray seems cool" Luz said rubbing her chin

"what do you think of Hunter?" Luz looked at the in the creak of the door to look at Hunter. Hunter was in the same spot, avoiding everyone. 

"he's pretty quiet" Luz responded 

"but he seems cool, right?" 

"yeah, when you went to talk to the other children, me and him were talking about our favorite cereal" Luz smiled 

"you think we should adopt him?" Luz nodded 

"yeah and we can be brother and-and sister" 


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